Sunday, August 17, 2008

Oronoco Flea Market

Saturday August 16 2008. The sky was Bimini blue, the sun was the perfect shade of warm,and a light breeze kept the beads of sweat from forming on my forehead. I paused briefly and realized how lucky I was to be in this spot at this moment.

I know you'll understand after viewing my junking photos from Oronoco Gold Rush Days!

My husband, Kerry, and I escorted Iris and Sam, Country Home contest winners from Nevada, to breakfast at the Oronoco fire station followed by a preview of some of my favorite vendor booths at Oronoco. (Kerry is taking the photo.)

I had never seen a wicker thermos caddy.

Bet you'd like to dig through this pile of junk!

I could have spent a whole day just looking at textiles!

When I asked the vendor if he had any VFW, American Legion, Elks Club or Shriner's glasses, he said he leaves those at home because they never sell. (I guess I'm just a little ahead of the trend.)

Know any Kellys? I do!

This was one big camera! Quite the conversation piece.

I know this could be the perfect gift for somebody. Karaoke anyone?

I have always loved these backseat thermos holders. Now I just need a Woody station wagon.

I bought this whole box of bottles for $10. I have an idea for a project....

Do you know who Tony was?

Even the broken pieces are beautiful!

Why don't they make drink/glass holders anymore?

This hand made model home included the newspaper article about the man that built it in the 50's. It has 4,500 hand carved shingles.

My shopping was a bit horsey as I am into the Junk Corral mode with the Bonanza coming up!

Including this little gal, Sandy. I purchased her sight unseen from Richard over the phone and picked her up at Oronoco. I was not disappointed! (I've always wanted a coin operated horse named Sandy...she will be for sale at the Junk Bonanza.) If you are ever near Spooner Wisconsin, visit Poor Richards Antiques. I guarantee you will be impressed by his incredible inventory that includes some of the most unique pieces you will ever run across!

Loading was interesting...Sandy weighs around 300 pounds.

These doggie postcards will be heading to the Bonanza as well!

I had to have it! Prize French bull from the early 1900's.

I was tempted by the gold sparkly keys, but I know when I'm pushing the envelop.

I wasn't looking for furniture, but I did buy one piece...

An old Post Office window from Indianapolis.

How could I resist? Perfect for a craft room/ office.

What does this mean? My husband and I have a totally different idea.

Who had the patience to make all those little boxes without going nuts?!

I love old beaters. Wouldn't it make a great light fixture!!

We were invited over to the Pharkel sisters home away from home at the Oronoco campgrounds. They will be vendors at the Junk Bonanza. You may catch them unwinding in their infamous red and white bus of fun!

Great stuff from Bonanza vendors, Larry and Val.

This is a first for me...salesman samples?

Once again Oronoco Gold Rush Days did not disappoint. It is one of the best flea markets in the Country! If you've never been be sure to check it out in August of 2009!

A quick stop to use a real flush toilet, wash hands and grab a cold bottle of water. Kerry and I never thought about how we would unload 300 pound Sandy all by ourselves. Needless to say, Sandy is still riding in the bed of my truck. It is kinda fun to see people's reaction when I pass them on the freeway! I am prouder than a teenager with a new car!

Take care,


  1. Oh Ki, I'm drooling all over my keyboard. I saw lots of junk this weekend, but nothing like this stuff. If this is a preview of the Bonanza, I'll think I've died and gone to junk heaven. My dad had a microphone just like that, I played with it as a kid.
    I love that metal rusty clock thing, and your postal window, what a wonderful piece. You sure don't shy away from the big pieces. Sandy looks great, are you sure you can part with her? There are so many other pictures I want to comment on, but I cant remember them all.

  2. Hi, Ki! Sure was nice to run into you and your husband in Oronoco! What a great couple you are. I love all the pictures you took and the fun things you found. You are a good shopper! I unfortunately forgot to bring my camera. I love the microphone, too, as my dad was a radio announcer for WLOL when I was a kid. I have a couple of them that I've picked up. Can't wait to see the new September Country Home and all the projects! Also am anxious for the Bonanza. See you then!


  3. Fantastic stuff! Every piece is great! That old camera is nothing but cool - does it double as an accordion? (I can see you now, pumping out notes from "Lady of Spain" - LOL!) But that PO window! Great find!


  4. I'm sorry that I didn't make it to Oronoco this year, but thanks for your pictures-they were the next best thing. One of the things I love about blogging is being able to catch a glimpse at so many great flea markets and antique shows that I have never seen or heard of before. It makes me realize that antiquing and junking is still alive and well in the U.S.!

  5. Oh, I SO needed this visual ispiration today. Thanks for making me feel better this Monday morning...

  6. Oh my! I love every single photo! Almost like being there. Almost. Thanks for taking the time to photograph for us!


  7. Ki - your blog looks fabulous! It looks like you are a pro already! The photos from Oronoco are great -- such cool finds. I hope to talk to you soon!

    country home

  8. Back in 1987 when hubby and me were newlyweds and he had to do a 2-year post-doctorate at the Mayo Clinic, we went to the Gold Rush Days. It was in Onoroco and at the Olmsted County Fair Grounds in Rochester. We began our collection of Fiestaware back when most pieces could be bought for under $5. We still use them to this day! One day we'll have to drive the 1200 miles from our home near Washington, DC to Gold Rush Days! Thanks so much for the fabulous pics!~~~XXOO, Beth

  9. Girl! I had my hand on that postal window! I debated and debated and walked away from it. I'm glad it went to a good home! I have some postal sorting shelves from the old post office here in Duluth. One is holding my china in the dining room. The other is being used in the garage. You can see how I was drawn to the postal window! Check out my blog for some of the things I picked up in might like them as well. I look forward to finding more great things at the Junk Bonanza! Amy

  10. Hi, Ki! Just got my new Country Home! Love what you did with everything! You just have a special knack of putting everything together in such a unique way. Fanaminal!


  11. Hi Ki!!!

    I have a bunch of bottles exactly like those you purchased (for $10) sure and let me know what project you come up with. I have had mine awhile, and almost...just almost threw them out last week. Glad I saved them because I am soooo sure you have something junkfabulous in mind!!! Glad you're enjoying your new endeavor in life!!

  12. Oh WOW! I too have always wanted a "Sandy"! I used to ride the one at our home town IGA store when I was little. A few years ago while visiting my Mom, we went into the store & I asked if they would sell it. Nope they said. :( Maybe someday I can find one.
    LOVED the pics & enjoy your blog!

  13. Gah!!! I want the postal window, the thermos holder, the model home...basically all of it!! Someday, somehow, I will attend this sale, and/or The Bonanza!!

    What a thrilling weekend you had!

  14. Where is Oronoco? I think I'll go google... hehe..

  15. Art Sinsabaugh used a camera similar to the big one in your picture. He was a famous photographer in the 1960s. He lugged around a camera close to that size.

    I not only like to think of ways of repurposing "junk" but I also like to think of the history behind it. Love the photos of the bull and child on a pony! I'll have to head over there next year to get in on the fun!

  16. wow unbelieveable stuff. I would love the horse too. What a cute thing to have!!! The beater is something we use at school. It would be a neat light fixture. I could accidentally take it


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