Sunday, September 7, 2008

Bonanza preview. It's a nail biter...

It is coming up fast and I'm starting to get nervous. Did I order enough porta potties, request the right music, lease the right size get the drift!

I asked a few vendors to send pics of some of the things that they will be tradin' at the Bonanza this week. Ready, Set, Drool.

Remember those bottle caps on my earlier post? I got to test drive the bottle cap belt this past week...I love it! (Comes in black and khaki.) Available for sale at the Bonanza, of course!

Can't wait to see you there!
If you can't make it this year...don't worry, I will post pics!



  1. I guess I will have to live vicariously through your wonderful photos. And wipe the drool from my computer screen...


  2. The photos are great! Sure wish I could see the real thing. Forget dream trips to the beach - my dream trip is to the Junk Bonanza!

  3. It's just around the corner and I am so excited to go!! Minnesota here we come!

  4. How am I supposed to wait? What am I supposed to do while I'm waiting? This is just too exciting.
    I'm not sure I'm emotionally capable of waiting. It's 87 hours away and I'm fit to be tied, chompin at the bit and all of that stuff. I remember Christmas when I was a kid and this is just like that. Why oh Why do I have to wait, this just isn't fair. I'm with Vanessa, No trips to the beach for me, this is my dream trip.

  5. Still trying to decide if I can get away for a bit this weekend and take a you think it would be worth it to go just for all day Friday? I'm an Iowa gal, so I could do a road trip. :)

    I am drooling from the pics and now want to go more than ever!!!



  6. The pics keep getting better & better!! I can't wait to come to Junk Bonanza!!! And those bottle cap belts are too cool--love that!

  7. Hope you have thoughts of bringing your Bonanza further midwest to Ohio in the future! I would be thrilled to go! Great photos of your vendors' goodies.

  8. Hi, Ki, came over from Restyled HOme & didn't realize you have a blog. I've been reading your articles in Country Home for a few months now & enjoy those very much. How fun that you have a blog now too! I'll be adding you to my bloglist so I can stop in often.

    Sure wish I could go to the Junker's Party! I'm too far away.

    Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality

  9. LUCKY!!!!!!! for anyone who gets to be there in person!!!

    Cute belt!
    I've sat in many of those church chairs in my life...I'm a PK!



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