Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving with my Mom.

As I write this post, my eyes are filling with tears and I am actually sniffling all over my keyboard. I don't usually wear my emotions on my sleeve, but tonight I am feeling a touch weepy. Tomorrow, along with my sister, brother-in-law and dad, I will spend Thanksgiving with my mom in her new home. My mom has Alzheimer's.

I haven't seen her in a few months and I am hoping she will remember, if just for a moment, who I am. It is okay if she doesn't. It just would be nice.

I am truly blessed to be spending the day with my mom and family. I am grateful.

Wishing you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  1. I was thinking about Thanksgiving 2006. My mom had died in August, and my dad had Alzheimers. He, thankfully, knew who I was almost up until the end. I know how hard it is and hope your Thanksgiving day turns out great. Maybe you might "think" your mom doesn't know you, but inside, please believe me, she KNOWS you!

    Take care, Sue

  2. Congrat's to the winner and I hope your Mom does remember you for a moment :)
    Happy Thanksgiving to You!
    Deb :)

  3. I'll be praying for you and your family. I lost my dad in August and tomorrow is going to be tough for all of us. Happy Thanks-Giving!

  4. Awww, bless you and your family. I hope and pray that your wish is granted and you will get the gift you seek. Cherish what you have while you have it. I have so many recipes in my Mom's handwriting that mean the world to me. The Christmas after she passed I made her famous cookies for family and friends. I attached her recipe in her handwriting along with her picture. It was a little way of keeping her present. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Annmarie

  5. Reading your post got me thinking I should share that my mother also as Alzheimers...what a cruel sickness it is. Thankfully my Mother just started medication, hopefully it might have and affect on her...stop the sluring of words. My daughter said if Grandma would say "Hi Stacey" and know her, that would be reward enough. It's so hard watching our loved ones become someone we do not know. Blessed that she has a happy attitude and funny sense of humor...if perhaps only to herself. My best to you and your family at this time of "Giving Thanks". My thoughts are with you!Have a wonderful day. Please come and visit me...we can share. xoso Sandy

  6. I miss my Mom as well, she passed away in 2006 at 89yrs. She had Alzheimers for the last 5 years of her life. She did remember me at times when I visited her, but not often. I choose to remember those times the most!! Antique Rose

  7. Wishing you the best of joy and happiness as you share the holiday with your family! Seeing the picture of the recipe touches me closely, as I have one very similar on my kitchen counter, chocolate cake, from my Mom. Cherish every moment.

  8. You and your family are in my prayers on this Thanksgiving eve...God Bless.

  9. Bless you and your family, Ki, and your special time together...Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. There is so much that our minds just can't ever quite understand...but the heart knows, the heart always knows. Perhaps it is a twinkle in the eye, a clasp of the hand, or a word shared just so. That is what we keep & are thankful for...and that is what we can also give.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  11. I'm sure your Mom will know you are there whether she is able to express it or not, and it will make it very special for her! Hugs and prayers to you! Nancy

  12. My heart goes out to you and your family. Wishing you a joyful Thanksgiving and Mommy's never forget. ;)Alyssa of Boston Bee

  13. I will pray that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your Mom. Have a great day!!

  14. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

  15. Oh, Ki, your post really tugged at my heart. My mom had Alzheimer's, too. Sue is right, she knows you! Her brain may try to tell her she doesn't, but her heart knows you. I wish you a day of love and peace, and know that you have a sisterhood of us who have gone down the road you are traveling.

  16. I will be thinking of you this Thanksgiving. I wish you all good things and I hope you day comes with many happy surprises and memories.


  17. Hope you have a nice day! My mother has Alzheimer's also, and I often stop in the middle of my day, think of her and still can't believe it.

    My six siblings and I will see our parents tomorrow, when we celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary.

    Take care Ki and God Bless your mom!


  18. Ki, I read this post with a particular heavy heart, as I used
    to know and work for your Mom at
    Christin B. I often think about her and wonder how she is. I hope
    she does remember you and you find
    her resting comfortably. She's just a great gal and we always had
    fun. Happy Thanksgiving to you and
    your family...

    Flora Doora

  19. Said a prayer for you and your mom.That has to be tough.

  20. Hugs to you Ki. Watching the person you know fade away is so hard...

  21. Beautifully said, and I love the picture of the recipe...thanks for sharing~Hollie

  22. This makes me sad for you. It must be so difficult. I'm glad that you do think she knew you a couple of times. And, like you said, she knew she loved you. And you know that you love her and she did love you completely and without condition when she was of sound mind. Maybe that could be enough now. I will pray for her and you.

  23. Hi Ki,
    I am going through a similar experience as my mom also has Alzheimer's. It's a heartbreaking ordeal. Ki, there's a poem on my blog that helps me accept this sad
    final part of her life.


  24. I understand. It is so hard. Hang in, you are not alone.



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