Sunday, July 6, 2008

On your mark. Get set. Junk!

Welcome to my world. You need to know... I think in pictures, not words so this is a big step for me. Thanks to Margo (Robolady) and the encouragement I received from her readers, I'm going to give it a go! I'm not exactly sure what to write, so I hope everyone will comment to help me keep it interesting. I also must mention, I am a very slow typist and not very proficient on the computer so I am hoping to improve my skills through Junk Camp. Enough excuses...

Margo said "Just take one step at a time." My first step was to decide on a name. The first name I chose was taken...A sex blog spot it seems. OOPS! When you're dealing with the word junk I guess that's bound to happen.

Uploading photos is my next obstacle. Wish me luck. (She helped me upload this first photo from my Junk Bonanza website...I have no idea how I did it.)

On your mark. Get set. Junk! (I just found spellcheck! It is my lucky day!)


  1. Looks great Ki, Now I need to show you how to add a link to your text.

  2. Welcome Ki! I love the concept of your blog already! I'm sure you'll be a pro in no time!

  3. Welcome to blogland! I'm looking forward to watching your blog progress, but even more so to watching what you DO!
    Everyday Cookies

  4. Welcome to blogdom. You have such a huge following that your blog will catch on quickly.

    Can't wait to read more from you.

  5. I'm adding you to my Bloglines! I can't wait to see what inspiration you have to share. I'm looking for some good garden junk ideas, if you have any to share!

  6. Looks great! I'm working on putting mine together too...and absolutely don't know what I'm doing. How do you get other people to go to your blog? I'm lost!

    Michele :)

  7. So excited your bloging. I already added you to my favorite blogs.

  8. LOVE the name of this post. lol You've got this blogging thing mastered already!



  9. I'm new to all these "junk treasures", and forums, but I must say it is so addictive..I commend you on your bravery to tackle the unknown of "blogging" and wish you much success with it..Very nice job, and looking forward to visiting quite often.

  10. Want to wish you the best of luck with your blog. It looks like it will be a fun place!
    Jill(from Garden Junk)

  11. You Go, Girl!
    Ki, you are doing great! Glad to have you join us in the Blogging Learning Curve. Can't wait to have you inspire us on a regular basis. We will happily (sp?) link your blog to our site!
    Valarie aka Red Shed Girls


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