Saturday, July 26, 2008

Take a moment.

I want to share with you an email we received a few days ago from Debbie who will be a vendor at the Junk Bonanza in September. I weep every time I read it.

I would be honored to have you share my letter. I wish more than anything that everyone who reads it will take a moment from their busy life's and give an extra hug, tell that special someone how much they care or just listen. My Friend Pat was the greatest listener I have ever known. I'm the talker and would ramble on then stop and look to her for the answer. She would always smile and in ten words or less tell me the answer.

Though my heart is truly breaking I consider myself truly blessed to have known her. She was a sparkler........Please feel free to use this and I know she would be tickled pink .....she truly was a big fan of yours. Sitting in my living room right now is one of your books that she stood in line at the home & garden show to have you autograph....she loaned it to me to brush up on Junk Market. Thank you for your kind words.
Sincerely yours,

Debbie's letter to Emily in reference to the upcoming Junk Bonanza.

I must share with you that I was going to do your show with my Best Friend Pat Blesi. Much to my surprise it turned out that Pat was a Junk Market Groupie (standing in line for Sue & Ki to autograph her book etc). When I sent in the application dear Pat would call or e-mail me everyday "did they cash the check??" I had never seen her so excited about an event and I teased her daily.

May 2nd I saw the check had been cashed and when she walked into my antique shop I shared the good news with her and she literally jumped up and down declaring we were "Junk Ladies". She began to talk and talk of our plans for September and we parted with a big giant hug and I can tell you aside from the birth of her Grandchildren I had never seen a happier Pat.
The next morning my world and that of so many crashed when I received a phone call that my dear Friend had suffered a major heart attack and died in her sleep! Pat was only 59 years old.

Losing your Best Friend is terrible.Everyone who knew her will tell you she is one of those rare human beings who truly made the world a better place to be. She knew how to love unconditionally, knew how to pick you up with a smile and a few words, I strive to be a better human being because of her and so here we sit almost four months later.....she is survived by Jeff her Husband of 39 years.

Just a few days ago I spoke with him about the Junk Bonanza wanting to refund him and he started to cry. Trust me this is not a man who would normally do this but since her death we cry a lot. Jeff never got a chance to tell her good-by and he explained to me thru his tears that he had to do this show with me for Pat. He further explained that when she came home her last night after hearing the news of our acceptance she was "on cloud nine" she cooked dinner and talked nonstop about what to bring and how we would merchandise the booth, he says she smiled from "ear to ear" and is so glad she was able to find out. How can I say no to his request?

This is going to be a very bittersweet experience but I have no doubt that our Pat will be looking down and smiling as her dear Jeff who has never done a show before and I stumble thru our first Junk Bonanza together. I share all this information with you just in case you see us and we have "leaky eyes" and smiles on our faces plus you Ladies need to understand how many people you help make happy!

Jeff & I are very honored to do your event....P.S. so is our Patty
Sincerely yours,
Debbie Mucklow


  1. Ki - omg, here I sit at work, teary-eyed from reading that letter. You have touched so many people and made so many shown by Debbie and Pat.

    Thank you...and hugz,

  2. Wow! What a special letter. I'm so glad you shared it.

  3. What an honor that her friend and husband are going to follow through with her dream. I know she must have been so happy to have been chosen for the JB, and I know she'll be there in spirit. What a truly touching letter. Margo

  4. What a sad letter. I'm so sorry to hear of this special lady's death, and her friend and husband's wish to continue on. It is a reminder for me that the people around me are what's important, not the "stuff". Thanks for sharing.

  5. My prayers to to her husband and loved ones. How sad to lose such a cherished friend, but I think it's wonderful that her husband and BF are going to celebrate her memory and her wish by doing the Junk Bonanza. All the best to them. You never know whose heart you may touch, whose life you may have an impact on.

  6. What a touching story. My heart goes out to her and Pat's family.


  7. Ki,
    Hi it's Berton from New york. This the first time I logged on to your blog. I loved reading it !! I love everything that you and Sue do !! I can't wait to see what the Junk Revolution is ?? Take care and Keep on' Junking !! Love Berton

  8. Ki, Debbie and Jeff,
    O how special are the people in our lives?!! My eyes are full of tears as I write to you with my heart also crying for your loss. I can't imagine how hard this is... I am in aww of your intent to do the show with Pat's glowing spirit there to spur you on!! You are all wonderful people to do this! My heart is with you in your sorrow, joy, and you should all feel great pride to have such a wonderful friend!! I know I do... my best friend is someone very similiar to Pat. My heart is sooo full joy just having her for my friend... and all we share. This a story to let you know how treasured it should be!! Good luck at the JB all!!! I am trying to figure out a way to attend. :D

    Live well, laugh often, LOVE ALWAYS!!


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