Sunday, August 24, 2008

Irene's Junk.

Irene has great junk. Irene has a lot of great junk. You are about to get just a taste of her spectacular hand selected collection. Everything Irene owns and displays has passed the I gotta love it before it's brought through the front door test.

No Margo, a butler ball is not a dance for butlers and maids. Yes Joy, it's purpose was to eliminate the butler disturbing dinner guests by having to turn around. It obviously works since I was unable to photograph a close up without getting my image in the ball. (Notice my reflection above.)

I was told the caster/dolly thingies were to move pianos...however, I wouldn't bet my life on it.

It's all in the presentation! Old watch parts never looked so good.

I wish I could have photographed the entire display ladder. It is at least 10 feet tall and is attached to the wall in Irene's vaulted living room. I apologize for not mentioning Scott, Irene's husband. (He lives there too.)

Some junk is repurposed, some redesigned, and some just sits their and looks cool.

The elevator plate tells us there were 8 floors in it's original building. It hangs over the doorway to the master bath.

This pillow was made from terry cloth bath towels that belonged to Irene's grandmother.

Irene removed the red vinyl seat fabric and replaced it with a glamorous seafoam and cocoa animal print.

1,2,3 pianos adorn the stone fireplace wall. The one on the right is heavy...I know.

Almost any kind of junk can be repurposed as a pedestal.

One of my favorite Irene projects! The frame originally housed a mirror...but was too heavy to hang. How long did it take you to save up all those corks Irene? (It's a good idea to make friends with a bartender, better yet, a sommelier.)

The foyer table...2 books, a bronze colored lamp base filled with marbles housed in a giant bird cage. Wow!

Nice legs!

Smokin' Joe.

I forgot to ask Irene what these I recall they have something to do with beer? I'll get back to you on that one!

An old auger was used to display this incredible wall hanging.

An old auger with ice box hinges and a welder.

Vintage replaces ugly.

Recognize this redesign?

Junk. Every where you look.

Irene collects sand. I know that sounds odd, but what better way to remember the beaches you have walked. Certainly beats memories of sunburns.

Out of all my projects over the years, I would include this one in my top 10 favorites. It has been a popular with readers as well!
Okay, now that was just a taste! Irene is truly an original Junkmaster!

Good night Irene!


  1. What great junk, and an eye for display. I can't pick a favorite, but I do love that elevator sign above the door. Wish I could find some great junk like that.

    View my blog at:

  2. Gee I wouldn't call any of that stuff junk!!! That is a wonderful stuff!!!

  3. She has so many great ideas, but that sand collection is my favorite.

  4. I absolutely love the idea with the sand in the bottles. It looks fabulous displayed that way....

    She really has an eye for junk! I think that is what truly makes a home interesting and sets it apart from others...


  5. Loved the tour of Irene's Junk! What a creative use of things--So much fun to see her ideas! Thanks, Ki!! :)


  6. What great "junk"!! Love it all - and especially the bottles of sand. That's a very cool and unique way to remember beach vacations!

    Thanks Ki!

    Kathy (aka shabbychick)

  7. Smok'n Joe is "smok'n".

    Thanks for the tour.


  8. I found your blog a few weeks ago, and I love it! I just found out Kindra from
    3guysagirlandaprimplace, is going to junk bonanza! I hope to meet up with her, and you too!

  9. I love it when someone is true to themself-the love will come thru to the home. Deb

  10. The piano movers are actually old cast iron stove movers, what a better way to move something that weights 1000 pounds!

  11. HI KI!!
    Well I don't know how you found me...but I'm glad you came on over to my blog!! I was pretty excited when I saw your comment. I will definitely be looking for you in the chaos! :) You have a great blog and have visited you blog a few weeks ago...just never commented.

    Where is Laurel, Nebraksa?? Firth is just 20 minutes south of Lincoln. Are where is Junker Daves? Gotta visit there! There is going to be a big junk jaunt in Nebraska at the end of September. I hope I can go! And will your friend Cammie have a banner with her booth name?? I would love to meet her too!

    We are so looking forward to our trip! I haven't been to Minnesota in 12 years!

  12. Nice ideas. We've been saving corks (the real kind not the new plastic ones) for years. Now I have a good way to use them!

  13. I have enjoyed viewing your blog. Really neat things! You are right about the castors. I have collected many over the years to use as candle holders. They come in sets of four an are to be placed under the legs of castiron wood burning stoves, so they can be moved for cleaning ash.

  14. She has so many great ideas, but that sand collection is my favorite.

    Work from home India

  15. Hi there, wondering in your picture that you had an auger hanging on the wall, what you used to attach it to the wall. I am working on this same concept, only hanging photos from the auger.

    At first I had considered just hanging the auger from the ceiling (on studs) with some sort of chain.

    Please let me know what you used to see if it might be a solution for us as well!

    Happy junking!


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