Friday, August 8, 2008

Play action!

A picture of Ron, my UPS man, would have been a better shot. The packages laying on my front stoop will have to do. What's in them you ask?

Well it is Friday, and I am scratching my head once again asking myself what in the heck happened to the week of August 4th 2008? Since I did such a lousy job of documenting my movement through out the week I decided to refer to my infamous black book. Ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you I never leave home without it. I've been known to carry it along with me to the restroom just in case I need to write something down. My brain never stops so if I don't document passing thoughts and ideas they are lost forever, or at least until I think of them again...which could be years later.

As not to bore you with the insignificant details, I will offer up the highlights of this past week.

Monday August 4 2008

*Rented Gary's Firetruck for the Bonanza.
*Chased down the UPS truck.
*Researched food safe paint for CH column.
*Generated list for the Junk Corral at the Bonanza.
*Got a call about a Sandy Horse, the coin operated kind to purchase for the Bonanza.
(I have been looking for an affordable Sandy for several years.)
*Wrote 37 emails
*Initiated 25 phone calls
*Checked out favorite blogs
*Forced my husband to fend off glare for my clock photo. He complains but obliges.

Tuesday August 5 2008

*Reorganized storage locker with Muffys' help.
*Coffee with my friend Dawn.
*Sent in Bonanza website updates.

*Decided on a logo for my new company, Junk Revolution. (This photo keeps rotating, help.)
*Wrote 22 emails.
*Made 19 phone calls.
*Inventoried Bonanza signage.
*Visited with Emily while she helped me pay bills etc.

Wednesday August 6 2008

*Had a phone meeting with Kelly at Country Home discussing December column.
*Talked on the phone most of the day. (My ear was shriveled and squished by evening)
*Wrote 29 emails.
*Met with lawyers in regards to Junk Revolution.
*Prepared for a big meeting with 3M. (You will be the first to hear the details.)
*Got to see the Cool Junk column for September with my favorite projects from readers. Pick up a Sept. magazine when it hits the is awesome!

*Discussed T shirt bodies and colors with my daughter in CA (the fashion police) for my new line of junkers apparel to be available online this fall. I will be giving you a sneak peak at one of the designs next week. Yep, that is what was in the packages.

Thursday August 2008

*Collaborated with the Junk Bonanza posse on vendor procedures, logistics, details, paperwork and PR.
*Confirmed Joan Steffends appearance at the Bonanza.
*Heard back from Danny Seo that he is spa-ing in another Country. I am jealous! (Check out his blog!)
*Scheduled to be on NBC Kare 11 TVs Saturday show with CH Cool Junk projects for the Bonanza charity auction.
*Made a gazillion phone calls and emails.
*Interviewed with the Post Bulletin.
*Confirmed my comments for Woman's Day magazine.

*Had dinner with Valarie and Michele from the Red Shed in Grapevine TX while they were in MN scouting for their group trip to the Bonanza and other cool junk haunts. (Check out their site, they may still have room for a few more folks.) We are thinking about a pajama party! Check out our diet food...Those are giant onion rings!

I'm getting ready to load up for the Antique Fair tomorrow...will share photos with you soon!

The week's not over yet!
Take care,


  1. Jeez, Ki! How do you function with all of that stuff to do? You are obviously very organized, which helps immensely. I need one of those black books!

  2. Jeez are on some major good speed pills!!! j/k! Maybe I need to get one of those black books to help me organize my life!!

    Take care, rest alittle!

  3. What a busy week. Your desk is amazingly clean, so is your storage locker. I'm impressed. Husband get's a point for helping with the photo. I'm very intrigued by what is on the floor below the clock.
    Great t-shirt colors.
    Looks like you and the RSG had a great time, those are ginormous onion rings. Can't wait to hear about the flea market, I'm jealous.

    View my blog at:

  4. Good gracious woman!!!

    you must drink lots of coffee...

  5. OMG how do you keep going? You must never sleep. I can't seem to make it through the day without a nap.(-: I can't wait to see what you find at the flea Market(-: Speaking of...I am going to go to ours today(-: It might hold some interesting things besides the folks...(-: I have to remember to pick up the Country Home for Sept...writing mental note to myself now(-:

  6. Woah, you're kind of busy is insane! I think I shall not curse my days anymore ;)


  7. ~Sigh~ I know you see it as hectic, but I think it sounds like so much fun...


  8. OMG--what humongous onion rings. I'm coming with the RSG to the Junk Bonanza and a pj party sounds like great fun! Hmmmm-wonder if there will be time for onion rings during the trip????

  9. How I wish I had access to all that you have. Nothing to go to here I'm suffering withdrawal.


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