Sunday, September 14, 2008

Winding down.

I can't put into words how spectacular Junk Bonanza 2008 was. I guess I'll just have to post a gazillion photos this week. The weekend was full of incredible stories that included rivers running through the tent as customers shopped in the mud without batting an eye, a city-wide black out that brought shopping in the ballroom to a dead halt for 2 hours, a fun filled pajama party with the Red Shed gals, and visiting with wonderful folks from all over the US and Canada including many that visit my blog. There is so much to talk about it may take 2 weeks to tell it all!

My husband and I got home at 2: AM this morning and immediately crashed. Our Sunday consisted of unloading a trailer and truck and catching up on our sleep.

I was just thinking, if they made hug meters I bet I hugged over a thousand times. It was amazing!

Can't wait to read stories on the blogs of all the folks that visited the Bonanza! If I can figure out how to link, I will add them to my site. Help. I bet you are wondering what happened to Sandy.



  1. Can't wait to see your pictures! Margo and the Red Shed Girls have been posting all weekend and I have been enjoying the Junk Bonanza through their pictures. I was concerned about the weather though, as it has been raining contiuously here in Michigan for three days. Can't say I've ever let a little rain hold me back when it comes to antiquing and junking, and I'm sure it didn't put a damper on the Junk Bonanza either. Rest up and post those pics! Can't wait!

  2. KI! What a wonderful Junk Bonanza. It was just great....tons of great stuff and each booth was displayed so nicely. I got some great items there.........they are proudly pictured on my blog....go check it out...the silver pots were from your Junk Corral.....I just love them.

  3. Hi Ki, Just got back home and boy am I tired. But it's a good kind of tired. The bonanza was beyond my wildest dreams, and the other things the red shed girls had us do were also fantastic. I'm amazed at the great junk you have up there in MN, and the people are the nicest. Can't wait to share my adventures on my blog, but not tonight.
    See ya,

  4. So nice to meet you, Ki! I love the Junkerella t-shirts and absolutely loved the whole Junk Bonanza experience. I'll be posting some interesting junking/health connection posts on my blog. Everyone is welcome to come on over and participate in the discussions!

  5. Glad to hear you made it back in one piece! Can't wait to hear all of the stories. Now, go and undoubtedly need it!!


  6. The Junk Bonanza was everything I dreamed and more. I was on the trip with the Red Shed Girls and it was the greatest! Everyone in MN was sooo nice to us and the weather was great. Enjoyed meeting you again at the slumber party! Take some time off to rest up and then let the junkin begin.

  7. The Junk Bonanza was INCREDIBLE!!! It surpassed everything I had expected, and was SO much fun! The displays were awesome, and the junk was amazing--I came away with LOTS of fun finds. Kudos to the Junk Bonanza team! So great to hang with you at the Red Shed pj party :) Get some much needed sleep, and can't wait to visit the new Junk Revolution!
    I'm posting pics all this week of our trip on my site:

  8. Junk Bonanza was awesome! The best part was meeting so many nice junkers.

    Looking for Sandy? Check here.

  9. Ki, thanks for all your hard work! I really paid off. We had a fabulous time and like I think a lot of booths, sold well. Can't wait until next year (unless you decide to add another one!). PS My daughter loved the hockey skate shelf!



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