Monday, November 17, 2008

Bookends Junk Project # 1.

I will call this project 'Deer in Winter Wonderland'. I know what you are thinking. She doesn't do junk crafts...she is suppose to build junk projects...with tools and stuff. Well, that is typically true, but I decided to surprise you!

You see, I have these vintage plastic animals and had been trying to get Mr. Deer in one of my Country Home's shots over the years, but it just never seemed appropriate. I brought Mr. deer to multiple photography sessions, even the non-holiday ones, hoping he could at least be used as a prop. No such luck. He never made the cut. So this was Mr. Deer's big chance to actually make it into the photo!

My goal was to come up with a project that used a bookend that nobody wanted and a plastic deer with the same story. Quite the challenge!

I started by spray gluing the bookend and dumping glitter over it. (Be sure to catch the excess in a piece of paper so you can reuse.) I covered the deer's body and did the same with his antlers in a rose gold color. I chopped down a bottle brush tree I scavenged from a box in the basement and gave it a thimble base.

Rummaging through my tub of vintage jewelry scraps I found a bracelet, a clock face, and 2 earrings. I glued part of the bracelet to a permanent wave clip and attached one of the earrings to the top with super glue. Note: Wear gloves during the glue process. I didn't. Ooops!

I wrapped Mr. Deer's neck with a fuzzy green pipe cleaner and a metallic silver string then embellished with the 2nd clip earring. I added a touch of ric rac to the edges of the bookend with craft glue, threaded a watch face on a piece of metallic ribbon and clipped it on with the permanent wave clip crown. The final step was to glue the tree and the deer to the reimagined bookend.

I am still sparkling from all the misdirected glitter, but must admit it was really fun! It reminded me of when I was in grade school and made little houses for bugs.

What's my next project? I am heading to the hardware store to pick up a couple items.



  1. you amaze me. too cute! love the idea

  2. Well doggonit! Isn't that the neatest! Now I need a deer and a book-end!!!!

  3. He never made the cut? Look how lovely he is on the bookend! You have truly transformed those bookends into art.

  4. Wow, you are amazing, you come up with the neatest ideas/things!
    That is just too cute!

  5. Glad to see you "Crafting", Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  6. Wow! How creative and an inspiring blog! I love to check out the trash after Christmas..lots of good finds,wreaths,trims,ornaments,,even bags for next year! I can't help it I am an old 'dumpster diva'!

  7. Cute, cute, cute! I got all my new "goodies" today Ki! LOVE them...I will proudly display the "yaya" sign in the store, and got a great laugh on the record coasters---how creative is that! Love everything....xo..deb

  8. You keep on craftin' and surprising us! That is WONDERFUL!~~~XXOO, Beth

  9. I like the way the lil' xmas tree peaks in behind Mr. Reindeer...too cute...junk on!!!

  10. Ki, as always...very, very cute!!! If you weren't into the 'glitter' look, you could still make these with an industrial 'junk' look. I see these old bookends at thrift stores all the time. Another genius idea and thanks for sharing!

  11. Okay, that is seriously beautiful, and appeals to the magpie in me...
    Next question is, is it for sale, because I think it would sell like hotcakes!!

  12. That's pretty amazing! I love it!

  13. I'm not big on plastic, but when it comes to around 50s Christmas, I do make an exception! Your project really turned out cute; it amazes me to see what different people's brains direct them to do! Karen


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