Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bookends Junk Project #5.

I suppose I could have done a candle holder. I am sure you were hoping I would unleash my creativity and design an incredible, never seen before, candle holder. Sorry. You don't really need another candle holder...do you? I call this project read it & wipe.

Yep, free bookends. Good thing I had quantity!

I lightly sanded, wiped clean, primed and drilled my holes. (1 for the tp roll, 2 to hang and 2 matching holes in each bookend where I attached them to each other. I wasn't sure how the bending would go...it was surprisingly easy. I just inserted the bookend in my vice and bent away. No problem. I then applied the final coat of gloss white spray paint.

I attached the two bookends to each other with short bolts and nuts. I predrilled a hole in the salvaged croquet mallet handle, cut to size, and attached to bookend with a screw.

Two screws attached to wall. Be sure to use anchors if attaching to sheetrock.

Add reading material,

a roll of toilet paper,

and you have it! Read it and Wipe. Now I've never been one to promote reading in the john...but I know it is a common practice. Way better than a candle holder, don't you think?

Thanks for hanging in there with me through all 5 projects. It does prove my point...Inspiration comes from the 3 R's. Rescue, Reuse & Reimagine. I'm sorta feeling like I should have done a candle holder....

Peace, Love, Junk.


  1. These are sooo cute and creative,, gotta go to flea market and look for bookends now.. I love junk!!!

  2. Excellent! Wonder how these would sell..?

    I think this just might be the perfect gift for the men on one's gift list!!

  3. You are as funny as your are creative. We just threw some of those thigns away at work the other day. Who knew?

  4. LOL! Read it and Wipe!! Coolest reuse yet! Used to be read in the john person, which kind of bugged my sweet hubby...but gave it up when I needed glasses to read! HAH! so glad you have this blog, especially since CH was foolish enough to give you up..I, for one, will not be renewing my subscription...will use that $ to purchase your most recent book. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours! *elaine*

  5. Love it, Love it!!!!
    Definitely better than a candle holder.
    Have a great Thanksgiving.


  6. They're all great projects!
    Happy Thanksgiving,

  7. Such great ideas!

    And if you do a candleholder, I don't think anyone would complain...

  8. You are such a creative gal. Love ALL the bookened projects!!


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