Friday, December 12, 2008

Bea's Gift.

Hair styles haven't really changed much over the years...the same cuts seem to just recycle. Most hair trends seem to be driven by our fascination with popular young starlets and the old-new styles they dare to don. I catch myself doing it..."Bea, I want to look just like that!" as I point to the 24 year old beauty in the well read magazine. What has changed is the 'tools of the trade'.

I have had a tub filled with vintage rollers, pins, and permanent wave clips for as long as I can remember. I keep planning to do something with them and now I have! 3 ideas in under 1 hour.

Idea #1. Snazzy key chain.

I strung assorted hair accessories on vintage hairpins, added glass beads and curled a loop in the ends of the pins with a needle nose pliers so they could slip on a key ring.

Idea #2. Conversation Clips.

Bea, my stylist, likes to hang family photos and cards on the mirror in her work station. My junking soul-mate, Cammie, reminded me that the pressure clips are perfect display hanger thingies. Be sure to use the spring clip kind. (The photo is my daughter, Taylor.)

Knowing They would be used on a mirror, I designed little hooks for them to hang from. I used rhinestone brads from Michaels, a small washer, and glue dots. (I snipped the brad wings shorter so they didn't show from behind the washer.) I left enough space to slip the wire of the rollers in between the washer and the brad. The glue dots work well to hang since they are clear and mirrors show every little backstage flaw. Brushed silver pushpins work great if hanging from a bulletin board.

Idea #3. Book mark.

Now I need to decide which project to give her....I think 3 would be overkill. Hmmm.

I have been trusting my hair to Bea for a really, really long time. Long enough that when I tell her I want to look just like that photo in the magazine, she simply smiles and says "Sure, no problem." We both know better.

Check out the new items in the store! And slow down and enjoy the Holidays with friends and family.



  1. Thanks for stopping by, Ki. Those chairs have been drooled on by a few people!

    By the way, I like the mirror clips the best. Great ideas!


  2. I'm sure Bea will love your gift, if you haven't already given it to her! Do we need to keep it a secret???? Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


  3. Had to laugh about the "We both know better" comment!!
    p.s. Your daughter is gorgeous!

  4. I'm sure Bea will enjoy her clip gift.What a great idea for a stylist.
    My fav are the convo clips

  5. The mirror clips are my favorite. I need those on my mirror for all the things I need to remember! while I'm getting ready. Love it. I'm headed out junking this morning with you in mind. I am going to look at thing in a whole new way (what would Ki do with this? ) I am so excited. Have a lovely weekend.

  6. good job with the clips....clever. Merry Christmas to you and Kerry....Business has been great so far....keep your fingers crossed.

  7. She will probably like the clips for the mirror best. I am a stylist and have made some like those you design for co-workers. I make many things for stylists from old tools of the trade. I think it is/was an untapped market.

  8. My vote is for the photo clips.
    She is a lucky lady to be on your gift list!

    Have a great week,


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