Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cooling Rack Junk Project

Remember those cooling racks I picked up at Mt. Dora a few weeks ago? I promised you a project! Since shelter magazines have deemed February organization month, here's my stab at getting my desk organized.

I consider cooling racks common junk. You can find them anywhere, everywhere, and usually in quantity.

This vendor would be pleased to know his junk was given a second chance at being useful.

I built a frame from square dowels securing with wood glue and brad nails to fit my racks. Notice the 4 runners I attached to support the 2 cooling racks that were narrower. I painted the wood structure white. (My roof angles are 30 degrees.)

I purchased 4 sheets of 8 x 10" clear acrylic from Lowes and drilled 2 holes in each to attach to the top of my frame. I cut my decorative paper, purchased at Michael's, to fit between the sheets of acrylic using a floral pattern for the top of the roof and a stripe for the underside. The paper can be changed out easily for the seasons...or if you are like me, just because you are ready for something new!

I actually took how-to photos along the way and have lost them...not sure if I deleted them from my camera or they are hiding in the depths of my computer. Should I find them, I will post them for you to check out.

The hardest part about this project was figuring out what material I was going to use for the roof. I contemplated screen, old tin, vinyl tile, wall vents, and even a rubber perforated sink mat. No fancy tools required, but a miter box for the roof angles comes in handy.

Be sure to check out our new JUNK HARD tee in Junk Revolution's online store. Play hard, work hard, junk hard!


  1. Okay..I'd have made it where it could actually be used as a cooling rack. Different top for sure. Cheers.

  2. That is cool. I'm out of luck though because without the tutorial there is no way I could recreate that!

  3. Hi Ki ~ love it...but know that I could not figure out how to make that myself. You're way tooo creative!


  4. hey Ki...thanks for stopping by my blog...I'm still seriously under the weather...have missed 2 days of work...but there's a light, I think, at the end of the tunnel! I only sneezed 100 times today, unlike yesterdays record 1 trillion...hey if the gov't can throw that word around like it's pocket change, I can certainly use it :o} have you ever coughed so much that the hair on your head hurts?? LOL...but it's true!! Any way...hope the light at the end of that tunnel isn't a darned old south bound train!! got to get back to my life!! oh...ps....cool idea with the racks...not at all what i was expecting, but that's what makes you our fearless junkin' leader!! i have 3 racks that i found a few weeks ago, and i'm thinking along similar lines with a frame, but i want to use it for seedlings...so obviously i'd need taller space in between...hmmm..i'll go think on that. take care *elaine*

  5. Ki, great idea using the racks! Hope your trip to FL was good!

  6. That is the coolest organizer. I was wondering what you plan was, and it was brilliant. What about hinged shutters for the roof? I have lots of those hanging around.

  7. Very cool. It definitely qualifies as an organization project. If they had an adorable project month, it would qualify for that, too. Nice work.

  8. Ki,

    Thanks for checking & leaving your kind comments on my blog!!!
    I love this rack, I am an organizational junkie!!! I absolutley love this!


  9. Love the rack. I could see it used in several ways. Thanks for showing us and inspiring the rest of us to re-use and repurpose.

    Have a happy day


  10. Ki, that rack is just so darn cute!! I have came across your blog and I just swilled. I have all of your Junk books, have your new one on pre order!! Can't wait for that one~ I'm loving your blog and have gone back and caught up on what I missed! I love your repurposing!!! I've got you now on top of my favorites list and I look in everyday to see your updates. I'd love for you to stop by my blog sometime when you get a free min. and check my home out. I love junk too!! Take care and keep those great ideas coming, Dawn

  11. Love the idea, Ki!

    And guess what, if you still wanted to use it as a cooling rack you could!!! It would make a great accessory in the kitchen(for those that are baking all the time!), using old cookbook pages in between the acrylic!

  12. Ki,
    Hey there! :) What a great project!! I could totally see this working in my house! Just organizing the tornado of school papers and homework folders alone would be worth it! Thanks for sharing!!

  13. I love projects with common junk--this is great! I wonder if many places even keep cooling racks--I will have to keep my eyes open for them. What if you built a tall one with lots of racks for shoes? Thanks for your comments on my blog about my Country Home debut and finale. As I have said before, it really is because of you that I have a junking business. I first saw you on HGTV--I rewound those over and over, scanning every bit of junk you showed! Have a warm day (thinking positive here :D)!

  14. You are just so smart...
    That's all I have to say.


  15. Oh my gosh I love it! so cute and you always amaze me with your creativity! I want cooling racks!

  16. Love this Ki its a great idea. Keep them coming. Hey a tutorial would be great. Even so I just love it. And thanks a million for commenting on my little terror in the house. Your right the scratches on the floor just add a litle character. Have a great day and create some more...lookin foward to it! Katie

  17. Lovely! You definitely have the eye for creating things out of forlorn objects. I need to get my thinking cap on!


  18. Looks great. So cute and functional!!


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