Friday, February 6, 2009

Once in a Junker's Lifetime.

You know when you see it. It is the first and last time you will ever see one like it again.

I ran across this gem a few days ago at Ole Cracker House Antique Mall in Ocala, Florida.

My sister and I were both blown away by this spectacular airplane ashtray stand. I have never seen anything like it! It included a lighted base, 2 ashtrays, 1 little compartment that has me puzzled...

and of course, a cigarette lighter.

It was a little out of my price range, $425., but I hated to pass it by as I know I will never see one like it again. I suspect someday I will be kicking myself!

I have a whole bunch of photos from this wonderful shop that I will post soon. I was just planning to run in for a minute and check out Ole Cracker House...I stayed for almost 2 hours!



  1. Could it have been something to cut off the tips of cigars??? I love this piece!!! It is incredible! All I can say is WOW!!!
    Well... you have some wonderful pictures! How much was it, if you don't mind me asking?

  2. That is so cool. You are right, you'll probably never see another one.

  3. Yvette,
    I bet that is it! It is round so I don't think it was for matches or cigarettes.

    This gem was $425. I added that to my post, as well. Thanks for asking!

  4. That's a hoot! Wonder if it once belonged to Howard Hughes! LOL!


  5. Hi Ki! You have made my husband's day, a woman after his own heart. we collect all things vintage aircraft, and saw one somewhat similar to this one last week at an antiques fair. The propellar on it was borken, and it was more expensive, so all in all I think you got a great deal! We have a wonderful vintage air race trophy with a plane ontop similar too, and it is one of our favorite finds!

  6. Wow Ki, Cool find, but pricey for sure! You just never know what you're gonna find in Ocala Florida, eh? The weather's going to be so nice this weekend...hitting some yard sales incognito?? *elaine*

  7. My Uncle would get a kick out of that. He was a pilot in the airforce and since then has been an air traffic controller. To top it off, he's a smoker. I so wish I could afford it. Pretty steep price and don't blame you for passing it up and you probably will kick yourself later. I always do.

  8. That is very cool and I've never seen one either. I wanted to let you know you've inspired me to follow my dreams. I've joined forces with a few ladies who hold a barn sale twice a year in Maryland. I have so much to learn but I'm so excited!

    I blogged about it this week

  9. I just have to tell you that I love all of your finds and what you do with them to transform them!! I love going through my past mags looking at the fun sections of you girls and the fun things you have created!! You are such an ispiration to me and my sister Karin! A fun thing I found at a yard sale for 50 cents was a metal screw driver holder of some sort. It now it holds all of my scissors! Love using old things for new purposes!! Thanks again for all the fun things you share... P.S. LOVE the airplane!!!

    ~Tiffany from the Childrens Nest and The Style Sisters~

  10. Fantastic find! Too bad it had such a steep price tag. I look forward to seeing your finds. Have a beautiful junking week!

  11. Actually these Airplane ashtray stands were only made in Canada.
    I used to sell quite a few in my
    day. I collected them in the 1980's. Several companies in Toronto, Ontario made them & they came out in the late 40's early 50's. The one found by this collector is a marriage of some very mismatching pieces. I could show you photographs of some of the creme de la creme pieces.

  12. I'm the proud owner of one of these and for $425.00 you should have jumped all over it, I've seen them go for up to $1,200.00 in this condition!


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