Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shopping Renninger's Mt. Dora. Part 1

My definition of a flea market is a junk smorgasbord. I satisfied my junk appetite last weekend at Mt. Dora! As you will see, there was plenty of good junk to be devoured.

My sister, brother-in-law, and uncle joined me in a spectacular day of junking. We started out early at Renninger's Weekend Market across the street from Renninger's Antique Extravaganza Mt. Dora, Florida. The market is open 52 weekends of the year. ( I suspect it is busiest during the 3 scheduled Extravaganzas, January, February, & November.) No admission.

First stop, the tool booth. This box of trowels had project written all over it. I purchased 4 at $3. each. Can you guess what it will be?

I am attracted to most things in quantity...why is that?

I am also attracted to most things marked 50 cents.

I guess that is why I was giddy when I found Dennis Wentz!

His booth was filled with reclaimed junk from an old mill. His stories were as good as his junk! These perforated metal tubes were used to hold yarn during the dying process.

Not sure what these springs were used for...I bought some of them anyway...50 cents each.

A beautiful day to be alive and junking!

This cool piece of junk caught my uncle Scott's eye. A candy mold marked $25. Being his first flea market, he asked me for advice on negotiating with the vendor. Feeling a little smug, I grabbed hold of the mold and said "Watch me."

Confidently I hollered across the booth "What's your best price as I held up the mold...the friendly gal answered back "It is not my booth." I sheepishly looked around for the actual vendor. I tried again and got a quick $12. answer. Scott looked over at me and was obviously impressed by my ability to negotiate an amount less than half of it's marked price with one polite sentence. I grinned, said thank you, and quickly paid her price.

My point was to let the vendor give the price, as it is often less than what you are willing to pay. We would have been happy with a 20% discount, and my tutorial was a success! Scott received multiple compliments on his purchase throughout the day along with remarks on the great price, as they eyed the $25. sticker. We both just smiled.

I spent some time perusing boxes of buttons.

I purchased a few of my favorites to craft a necklace.

I wish I had more room in my truck...I would have grabbed 2 of these chicken feeders. They were the perfect height for bases for a side table, planters, bird baths...4th of July ready!

It was nearly time to meet fellow junker, Carol, at Renninger's Antique Extravaganza. We scooted over to the large field across the road and paid the $6. admission fee.

It's odd. Carol and I have never met, but I felt like we'd known each other forever. We hugged and chit chatted about our morning finds and bonded because of our mutual passion for junk.

The junk gets a little cooler and a bit more pricey behind the gates of the Antique Extravaganza.

Many vendors set up at the best shows in the country...Round Top, Brimfield, Nashville... and find Mt. Dora to be a pleasant and profitable winter escape.

One of my favorite of the day! I have vivid memories holding a card over one eye and pointing left, right, up...down.

I have no idea who would want a lavender pedestal sink in their home. I guess, that's what makes the world go round!

Debs booth was a treasure trove. Boxes of thing-a-ma-jigs to die for.

I just had to have some of these little buggers! Debs explained to me they were caps for chair legs that used casters. I forgot to ask what they are called. Anybody know? I feel a project coming on...

Stay tuned for Part 2!


  1. Well it certainly looks like you're having a great time there. Love all that junk and that sunshine! p.s. great negotiating.

  2. I am so jealous! we have nothing like that here in the midwest. sure we have tag sales and autions, but a sale like that is awesome! Thanks for the great photos! Dawn

  3. So envious! Looks like a great weekend. My flea market/junk/antique options have been severely limited by the New England winter, and I'm itching to get out as soon as the weather gets warm.

  4. Great finds. Wish I could have been there. Really loving the eye chart.
    Cindy (tinta)

  5. The last little buggers would make a great collage or is there anyway they could be draw pulls?? How about putting strips of faric through them and then threading through the handle holes and knotting??? Just an idea.

  6. OH! I am so loving all these pics you shared with us! I am coveting one of those vintage coolers! (I want one to use in our 67 Mustang, for when we go to car shows. I am also on the hunt for some vintage lawn chairs, too!) I have to wait at least six to eight more weeks for the first garage sale, at least two months for a flea market!

  7. I so enjoyed all that you shared here, lots of cool eye candy...Now, to get my hubby to take me to Mt.


  8. Hey all!

    I've decided that I'm going to jump onboard with the latest, greatest way to share junk and have an ONLINE GARAGE SALE! Thanks Margo and Mindy for this great idea and it sounds like a lot of fun!

    So This Sat and Sun, check out my blog: for some great bargains!

    Spread the word and be sure and say hello!!!


  9. Oh Ki, I'm drooling all over my keyboard. I love it all, but especially those giant metal finial things. Can't wait for your projects. I go to Canton this weekend, and I'm really excited, I missed it last month.

  10. do i get to go with you next time? been looking for those doorknob thing-a-ma-jigs you found in Debs booth!

  11. Glad to see there was some cool stuff there. I know of several that were going. Hope they found some of this cool stuff!

  12. Shoot I forgot the extravaganza was last weekend! I live in Maryland but my in-laws live right there in Mt. Dora and I try to time my visits to coincide with the extravaganza! Can't wait to see part 2!

    I need to find things for my barn sale in April!

  13. Wow! Lots of cool stuff. I think the spools are my favs. Looks like a great place to play. ~Mindy

  14. Thanks so much for the sweet comments on our blog! Looks like some fabulous finds (we would expect nothing less)...can't wait to hear about your upcoming projects. Do you have an e-mail list to sign up for updates?

    blessings, kari & kijsa

  15. Wow, that place is junker's paradise :)

  16. I have officially put Mt. Dora on my list of things to do and places to go before I die. I can't wait.

  17. Wow, I moved near Ocala from Umatilla area a few years ago and used to visit that flea market and antique market frequently. Now I'll have to plan a trip that way! Thanks for bringing back memories!!!

  18. Oh my gosh Ki ... all your treasures just make a person's heart go a flutter ... and mind go a whirling with ideas! Great finds ~ looking forward to seeing what you come up with ... especially with the 'little buggers'.

  19. Oh what great junk! I will be in Florida next year and will definitely visit Mt. Dora. Of course I'll have to swing by the wonderful Tea rooms also!

  20. Awesome items - love it all especially those clear/translucent buttons - beautiful!!! Wow, wish I was there.

  21. Such a FuN time you had and I can't wait to see what you do with your finds!

  22. Oh, my, that was fun! i felt like i was there with you!

    looks like you got some fabulous buys and i cannot wait to see what you do with the trowels because i begged one off of a carpenter a few weeks ago. i have an idea of what i'm going to do and will be interested in seeing if it's anything like you're thinking!

    warmly, jan

  23. I was at the Antique Extravaganze, too, last weekend and had sooo much fun!!! Lots of cool finds... and the weather was perfect. Although it seems as if you found some things that I didn't see (you expert Junker you!). Love those buttons and that eye chart... check out my pics at

  24. What fun and wonderful junk. The eye chart is my favorite, but I'd love to play around with those big metal rollers used for yarn. Hmm, what I could I do with those?

  25. Looks like a blast, Ki! My fave was the eye chart! Love, love, love!

  26. Ki, this is an amazing shopping trip.. I remember the one that I went to in Shakopee that was so wonderful, Oh that was years ago.. I've yet to find the same great deals here in Kansas now. But I have found some wonderful things at Garage sales.. Finally got the wood floor done.. come over and check it out~! keep up the wonderful shopping.. Can't wait to see what you make from these finds!

  27. What fantastic finds!!! I am so jealous. I have been thinking of a million little things I could do with all the cool stuff you found...AMAZING!
    I love this website!

  28. The lavender, pedestal sink brings back memories. When I was looking for apartments several years ago in Ohio, one of them had a sink just like this. Needless to say I didn't rent the apartment.

  29. What a great time! All those metal containers made me tingle and that candy mold is amazing!

  30. Ahh!! Your site makes me drool! I love junk and all of these pictures are such a tease! Guess I'll just have to keep looking at them while I sit in Art History. Haha, I need to find a Mt. Dora in Virginia.

  31. I would pay big money for that purple pedestal sink...just my cupppa coffee! Stop by my blog for a visit sometime. Thanks and happy junking!
    Pam ~ One Gal's Trash

  32. WOW- this looks like lots f fun. I love those caster thingies too....

  33. For the pretty .50 springs-you could connect to a pretty bowl the way you did with the custard cup and make another pretty place to put a few blossoms?


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