Thursday, April 30, 2009

Junk 101

Could this really be my one hundred and first post? Where has the time gone? I am not like many of you who come up with something witty or relevant to say just about every day. I still struggle with blog content. I don't want to waste your time, as I know how precious every minute of every day is. This week, for the first time, I found myself feeling blog guilt. Anyone know the feeling? The paint is drying...slowly...on my project for next week and I don't know what to write about.

I looked up from the computer screen and noticed the vintage teapot that holds my spare change on my desk and decided to take a pic. Lame, huh? Then I got to thinking...I wonder what junk container you keep your loose coins in? Am I crazy for being curious?

Thanks for hanging in there with me for what has been an incredible journey into the blog world. I have enjoyed visiting your blogs and getting to know a little bit about many of you. I cherish your enthusiastic comments and no longer feel like a blog rookie.

Talked to Matthew this afternoon and he is loving reading all your ideas for the ugliest light fixture in the world contest. I actually do have a great project for you next week. (Hints are on my Facebook page.) The paint is drying...really. I am wearing quite a bit of it and it is green!


  1. I keep mine in a purple piece of pottery.

  2. Ki, I like your teapot for loose change. I have a glass jar in my closet that lets me see how much change I've accumulated. I also struggle with blog content...think I worry too much about it since my life is rather ordinary. However, I do enjoy the kindness of other bloggers, and the talent in blogland is incredible.


  3. Our loose change is in a big crock type thing with a lid. It's some sort of ugly 70s looking green monster. Almost like a big ceramic canister that you'd put flour in. I love the shape of it though.

  4. Oh, I so feel your pain...I have been ignoring my blog due to lack of content this week. I have been working on other projects that I can't photograph or share, so it is pretty dry around my parts.

    Where do I keep my loose change? I never have any...I'm always scrounging to find jsut enough to buy myself my daily coffee!!

    Hope all is well!!

  5. I use a Longaberger basket (I have tons from my early 90's obsession with them! What could I do to make them cooler now?) for my loose change and so does my husband.

    Here's an idea for a post. What kind of camera do you use? When I saw the photo of the teapot what I really saw was how it was a nice photo. My photos don't look like that!

  6. I keep my loose change in an old silver pitcher.

  7. Hey Ki...loving that old teapot! the 1st photo's cool...looks like a sunbeam's popping out of the lid! I have 3 containers for my change...makes it easier to sort when i'm ready to roll! the pennies are in a handmade pottery bowl, the quarters are in Brophy pot that says "Brilliant Ideas" and the dimes & nickles go in a stoneware jug with blue saltglaze design that says Ocala Florida..they haven't been very full lately...seems like a lot of the change never makes it home...have a great weekend! *elaine*

  8. LOve the teapot! My loose change is in a big sip cup (from a convience store) in my husbands desk (behind the doors, becasue it isnt attractive. LOL!)

  9. Congrats on your 101 posts! I think this is the first time I've commented, but I stop in every morning! I keep our loose change in an old Red Gold diced tomato can, because the graphics are so bright. Love your blog!


  10. Morning Ki ~ I have the same problem with blogging..I can never think of good things to write about!

    I keep my loose change in a huge black bear bank...have no idea why I bought it...probably because it was cute way back!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Ki, No blogging guilt allowed! LOL! I just posted something about it the other day on my blog.

    I like the teapot!


  12. Hi Ki:
    First - an answer...we keep our change in a large vintage pickle jar. Although...I have been known to hide money in containers around the house---I am most certain my family will share stories years from now about the odd places they found money when they cleared out my estate.

    Now, a Congratulations on your 101 blog entry! I would not suggest a pinch of guilt. Just heard on the radio that real social contacts can get lost by bloggers, tweaters, etc. that spend so much time recording their comings and goings on the internet. I think you show such balance -- and I really appreciate that.

  13. For the last 30 years, I've used an old Sapporo beer tin w/spout that my B-I-L purchased on a whim. I used to love anything oriental so I held onto rid of everything collected except for it!!

  14. Can't wait to see the new project!

    m ^..^

  15. I keep mine is a mason jar. The jar was given to me with flowers in it while I was in the hospital with our third son. His name was Mason and he was born with and died from a heart defect. She gave it to me, it came from her grandma, because it says Perfect Mason on it. It reminds me that my Mason is now perfect in heaven and although I guess keeping change in it isn't very sentimental, I like seeing the Perfect Mason every time I use, which is pretty much daily.

  16. Thank you for sharing your blessed story. You have touched my heart.

  17. I keep mine in an old brass (plated?) box that looks kind of like a treasure box in our closet. By the washer the change from pockets goes in a tootsie roll bank one of the kids left lying around.

    bec4's story almost made me cry.

    Thanks for the post.

  18. 1st - your picture for the sunbeam in the teapot is wonderful!

    2nd - the post by bec4 is so precious - I'll never look at another Mason jar in the same way.

    3rd - we keep loose change (and tiny screws, paper clips, or whatever other tiny thing was found along the way!) in a small wooden bucket that my step-daughter gave me for mother's day some 20-years ago.

    And lastly - don't feel guilty! I love reading your new posts, but first and foremost this should be a pleasure - not a chore!

  19. I keep my loose change in a ceramic bank my children gave me years ago when I started a "furniture fund" (leather couch). I filled that thing up many times. We were all picking up penny's off the streets. We had fun saving up for that couch. It was a good experience for them. And boy do we love that couch!

  20. I keep my change in a huge old green Ball canning jar

  21. I keep mine in an old teacup!
    <3 this blog. I found it via craftstylish one day and have been a regular visitor since!

  22. I keep mine in a fancy but tarnished silver ice bucket. i save and then buy flowers in the spring. I just spent $196 I saved on some great stuff for my garden.

  23. I keep change in empty bottles and jars with labels left on them. No one knows where my change is, Ovaltine jars, Aleve containers, etc. Amazing how I have change when I want it since my kids and grandkids have not figured this out yet. I keep the bottles & jars where you would usually find the product.


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