Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shakin' in my Boots.

I admit, I was a little rattled yesterday morning when mother nature threw a temper tantrum. We experienced fantastic lightening, strong winds, and periodic heavy rains all evening, but by 7 AM the stormy weather seemed to be clearing out. I slopped through my morning farm chores under a pleasant light drizzle.

My sister and I were standing in her open barn as the weather made an immediate and dramatic change. Violent winds, booming thunder, and torrential rain came out of no where. We were stuck. Under a roof, but exposed to the elements. Rivers of water went rushing by us, my horse was frantic and rearing to escape over the stall door, and water soaked us to the bone. (I was wondering where one goes in Florida when a tornado basements.) My adrenalin was rushing and my heart pounded.

An hour later we walked the property to check out the damage. The animals seemed to have settled down quickly and were taking advantage of the tasty downed limbs and trees.

Luckily Sara and Princess didn't get caught under this tree next to their hay feeder. I suspect they heard the cracking tree trunk and ditched.

Boards blew off the fence posts they were nailed to, a 60" round glass top lifted off my folks outdoor table and floated to the concrete patio without breaking, and we lost our electricity for most of the day.

We have lots of clean-up ahead of us, but I am thankful no one was hurt. The newspaper today reported a tornado touchdown, just down the street.

The animals seemed to take it in stride...(Notice in the photo there is a fenced area that once housed a large tree. We found the tree intact 2 pastures over.)

The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day today!


  1. WOW, I'm about 2 hours south of you and we had some nasty weather, but I havent seen any damage. Glad no one was hurt!

  2. I know how you feel. I went airborne in a mobile home during a tornado in 1986. Landed in a tree with my twin sister too! Ouch! Jan

  3. Ki, you've probably experienced this in Minnesota, but who'd of thought you'd experience this in Florida! So glad the animals and everyone else were okay!


  4. Oh my gosh! I am so glad you were not hurt! We got caught in our car in what we thought was just a downpoar of rain, but less than a block away a house was blown away by wither a tornado or what they called a downburst. Noone hurt but very scary!

  5. Sounds like you got the outer bands of the tornado. Good thing you are all OK. Debris is the most dangerous part. Yep, where do you go when there are no basements? They say go to the smallest room of the house, like a bathroom. Glad everyone is OK


  6. So glad you and your precious animals were okay! Beautiful horses by the way. I have quarter horses, older now. But still love them!

  7. Hi,

    Gosh - I'm so glad nobody got hurt. I know you and the animals must have been scared to death!

  8. Ki, Dorthy has nothing on you!! I'm glad you and your animals are safe. Here in Kansas, Torando Alley, we always have a pretty windy spring with torandos and spring storms in our midst all the time, glad you weathered it well and all is safe! Dawn

  9. Wow Ki, that looks scarey! and then to be trapped in an open barn, I wouldn't have wanted to be in the position. I love the pictures of the horses, they were definitely checking out the damage. Glad to hear everyone was ok.

  10. Glad to hear everyone (including the animals) are OK, Ki. Can't imagine how scary it must have been for all of you!

  11. Hey Ki...Scary day for you on Tuesday, no doubt! We were under a tornado watch,too, for most of the day but only got the high winds and heavy rain. Bad enough! Glad none of the animals were hurt, and the damage was only to trees. Today promises to be beautiful...enjoy! *elaine*

  12. Glad no one was hurt and the animals survied. Aren't they amazing in bad weather? I am sure you and your sister were equally amazing as well!! Bad weather is always scary in my mind. I don't have a basement either, so I head for my guest bathroom (which is also the smallest indoor room). Again, I am very thankful no one was hurt!

  13. I'm so over the weather this spring. Here in Tennessee it seems like we get bad storms once or twice a week this year. I'm ready for a break! I'm really glad you're all ok- that is a crazy story.

  14. Ki, I experienced being in a tornado once in my life and that's enough! I can just imagine what you were feeling trapped inside the barn! Thanks goodness no one was hurt!

    I don't know why they allow homes to be built anywhere in tornado country where they don't at least have a small basement room. I wouldn't feel safe in one built on a slab.

  15. Amazing how different a day makes. Glad to hear you are alright.

  16. Ki dear,
    O!! I am soooo glad to hear you all faired well!! I know what you mean about tornado's we have aleast one a year, close by... if not here. So I understand the clean up too! I wish you all the best!
    I hope your having a wonderfully blessed day dear. :D

  17. The power of nature is both amazing and scary. I'm glad everyone was ok. Your farm looks beautiful!

  18. My kids over in Spring Arbor had their first "real" thunderstorm. Being "new" from California, they were a little freaked. So glad all your {cute!} animals were okay.:)


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