Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Door Opens. Flea Market Style.

Standing in line at the grocery store a few days ago, I scanned the magazine racks for something interesting, entertaining, and inspiring to bring home. Nothing! I had already savored the 2 home decor magazines that interest me and was hungry for more. Sadly, my favorite publications have disappeared from the newsstands and my mailbox this past year, along with my job as editor-at-large for Country Home Magazine.

They say one door closes and another opens...well, it flew wide open! The big news I have been dying to share with you is..Matthew Mead, style expert and friend, and I are partnering to create and produce a new magazine titled Flea Market Style - a 144 page newsstand magazine chock full of vintage style decorating, fresh projects, collecting tips, special features and more, to be released early spring 2010. Whew! I didn't know how long I could keep a secret!

Matthew and I are thrilled to welcome some of the most talented folks we know to join our magazine team including Linda MacDonald of Restyled Home and Heather Bullard. We are also in the process of creating a blog dedicated to the making of the magazine (including bloopers) and will let you know as soon as we have it up and running, hopefully mid-August!

I will be crazy busy this summer with Junk Bonanza and Flea Market Style; so if you notice I am slacking off on my blog, it is only because I am working my butt off and having tons of fun!

I think I can say a new door just opened...a really big garage door!


  1. Congratulations, Ki! I'm SOOOOO excited about this new publication that you're doing - I think it's going to be amazing and can't wait!

  2. that is so exciting!! WOW........with that talent line can't be anything but amazing!

  3. Yay! This is great news. I NEED another good magazine!

  4. KI!!! This is soooo exciting! Count me in as one of the future readers/subscribers! Congrats on the new venture and best of luck to you. Can't wait to get my hands on the MAG!

  5. Excellent news and I think the timing is perfect!

  6. Ki, so happy for you! I know it will be an awesome magazine and definitely something we need! Glad we don't have to wait too terribly long for it :)


  7. Oh, wow, I am SO glad to see something like this coming out. Our prayers are being answered. I'll be on the subscription bandwagon for this one.

    I have been having Country Home withdrawals and I'm sure this will help!

  8. I too was searching for a good magazine to bring home the other day and settled for one I don't normally like, but now I don't have to settle any more! I'm so excited for you all, can't wait to see what great works will be published each time.

  9. I am so happy that I have something new and exciting to look forward to. I was sad to see Country Home exit, it had been my favorite for countless years. Congrats on your new adventure!

  10. I can wait to get my magazine. Where is it? I am ready !!!!

  11. Oh yay! We need a magazine like this. Can't wait.
    Will the issues arrive monthly?

  12. Congratulations on your new journey! I don't think I can wait til 2010. :)

    Wish I could go to Junk Bonanza this year. I had the best time last year. Maybe next time.

  13. I smell SUCCESS! Great! This is the BEST news I've heard all week! You have no idea how much I miss Country Home (well, obviously you do!)! Thumbs up, Andrea

  14. Whoo Hoo!!! The answer to all our junkin' prayers!

    Congats on the big step forward... you both have a ton of support from all of us junkers out there!

    Can't wait until 2010!!

  15. Great News. We are all looking forward to seeing your new magazine. I can hardly wait.

  16. Hi Ki! That's so exciting! Can't wait for the magazine to come out!!!

    ♥ Kim

  17. Oh YAY YAY YAY!!! Congratulations to BOTH of you - I am so excited!!! You have a devoted fan, that's for sure!

    I can not wait!!!

  18. You Go Girl!!! Can't wait to hold that piece of heaven in my hands. With so many magazines leaving us, how appropriate for Kai to bring us one better.
    Roxanne @ Beverly Sandhills

  19. Congratulations Ki! I'm happy for you. (and for all us junkers!) God really does open those doors for us!

  20. How exciting! I thought I was excited just because you would be involved, but to learn that Matthew Mead and Linda of Restyled Home will be as well just makes me so happy. Best wishes with it!

  21. So excited about the new magazine.
    As soon as hubby is out of school we are hoping to find a fixer upper and show all of our remolding, one room at a time, on our blog

  22. Exactly what we've been waiting for! Congrats to you and Matthew! I can't wait to see what you both come up wih.

    Candy Allen
    AKA Junk Sophisticate

  23. Looking forward to that magazine..I certainly would become a subscriber!

  24. that sounds great.....good luck!!!! and i hope you aim at the vast majority with great taste and a my customers who dont go/cant go for 300$ pillows ...if you get my drift...
    i would love to read on the spot interviews with the people in the junk world, the homeowners the shops and the guys on the road out there selling at the fleas.....i know a couple and the reports are so fun to hear....and what my customers are doing with stuff is always fun.......

    love the could cover so much area ....from fun redneck to heavy urban industrial....from steampunk to foo foo.... i love it all as a seller ...
    one more about a program like romantic homes has,? we buy 20 mags from them every month, ....... our store sells it and has a free listing in the back under indiana..... it only costs us 20$ or 30$ for the mags and we sell them or give them away....our customers like it...
    we really need this....especially if its like the crammed full mags that just come out ondce in a while......theres never too much to look at for us junkers!!!

  25. I am SO EXCITED for you, Ki!!! :) Congratulations on this new adventure! You have an amazing team put together, I know it's going to be a huge success!! I agree that the quality of available magazines lately leaves much to be desired, I think your new mag will fill a much needed niche. I especially like the idea of projects and decorating ideas with our "fun finds"!

    I also wanted to let you know that I'm moving next week back to the Chicagoland area, so if you ever come through visiting the flea's there let me know! :) I'd love to see ya!

    Congratulations again!

  26. Heres to open doors! Congratulations Ki. You and Matthew will make an outstanding team with an award winning magazine. Can't wait til spring 2010 to get it.

  27. WooHoo!! I can't wait to grab up one of your magazines. Where do I sign up for a subscription?!?!

  28. This is SO awesome! I'll be anxiously awaiting 2010~
    Best wishes!

  29. YIPPEE! SOOOOO Excited to see it. We're hungry out here!

  30. Ki, this is the best news I have heard in a long while! Congratulations!! With your experience, talent and the team, you are bound to be successful. This is so exciting!

  31. Oh my goodness - this is wonderful news! I only wish a copy of your mag could be in my mailbox sooner. Oceans of good wishes on this exciting endeavor.
    Beth of Salvage Studio

  32. I bought a flea market style magazine the other day at Home Depot. It says Better Homes and Gardens at the top. Is this the same or a different publication?

  33. Great news for you & all of us magazine junkies!! Can't wait to get it!
    Congratulations, Ki!

  34. Great news! So happy for you and all of us that get a wonderful new magazine. Good things do happen to those who work hard and are kind to others...that's you, Ki! Congratulations, Brenda

  35. Ki, I am so excited!!! I will for sure have a subcript. to that! I'm so excited for you in this new endever. I was heart broken when the COuntry HOme mag. tanked. I will be looking for this one.

  36. do you know how happy you have made me??!!!
    a new magazine!! woohoo!!
    i am like you, i so miss the junk posts! i love giving new life to old treasures. i so am looking forward to seeing it in 2010!
    hugs, kim

  37. Can't wait for this magazine!!!
    I had such fun looking at your whole blog and all the wonderful "junk" places you've been. I am trying to simplify my life and ever since I've started blogging, I think I need to turn my Honda in for a truck!! That's kind of scary!

  38. This is the best news, spring cannot come fast enough!!
    Congratulations, can hardly wait!!
    Hugs, Nerina :)

  39. I am so excited! Congrats and wishing you the best.

  40. Ki - This it the door we have all been waiting for!!! As I said before . . . there is truly a perfect time for some ideas and I believe this is one of those times!! We are all here to support you every step of the way . . . enjoy every minute of it!! - liz

  41. Yippeee! I have been so sad to see so many of my favorite publications go by the wayside. I look forward to enjoying your new venture!

  42. So happy to hear this. I'm sure it will be a huge success. The only downside is having to wait until next year!

  43. Happy, happy, happy day!

    Smiles ~ Ramona

  44. Yeah!! I can hardly wait and will be looking for it on the newsstands.


  45. congrats - I have a copy of the better home "special" issue dedicate to this style and thought to myself, with today's trend towards this why isn't there a magazine with it. I will so look forward to its publication.

  46. Ki,
    CONGRATULATIONS!! I was going through magazine withdrawal. You and Matthew will make a great new publication!! The only bad news is that we have wait until Spring!! Good Luck!!

  47. Glad to hear that you were finely able to share the news! You know the Pfarkel Sisters are all for this new publication. It is too bad that the release time is spring but it will give us all something to look forward to all winter
    Need any help?!

  48. Awesome, awesome awesome. You have done so much to inspire so many. May your new adverture be a huge success.
    I can hardly wait to get my copy.

  49. WOW KI...that sure is a lot of comments! Have to add one more...cannot wait to see the premier issue of this magazine. I know it will be fabulous! With you involved, how can it be anything but??? Do we really have to wait til Spring 2010??? That's, like, forever away! LOL *elaine*

  50. That is so awesome!! That has been a huge void in my magazine world since a handful of magazines I subscribed to discontinued publication. I only wish it were sooner!!

  51. Fabulous...great news...look forward to the first issue!!!!

  52. Ki,
    Congratulations! You are so creative and so hardworking. I wish you So So Much Sucess and Happiness. I know we will all be waiting in line to snap it up and then devour it!
    Best and Blessings to you ALWAYS!

  53. I look forward to all of the inspiration and creativity!

  54. Fabulous!!
    Can't wait....curled up on my couch.....cup of Latte & a New Mag!
    much Success!!!!
    Cheers, Sherry

  55. Wonderful...I am also feeling the withdrawal of a number of magazines. I am so excited for you and Matthew and me of course since I will get to reap the benefits of your magazine!

  56. We are all so excited, and cannot wait for this to come about. Congratulations. I know it will be a huge success!

  57. How do I get one?!? I'm so glad you and Matthew are back at it, I love both your work so much.

  58. Can't wait...I'm still going through Country Home withdrawals...good luck'll have a huge following, count me in!


  59. You have made my month...ok, my YEAR! How exciting for you and for us. All the best.

    Lisa of the Salvage Studio

  60. Congrats! I am so excited to follow you all on this new venture! I am a huge fan of yours and Matthew's, Linda's and Heather's, so this is just FANTASTIC! I also have a blog called REINVENTED, dedicated to repurposing and remaking found items, so I'll bring my readers along!

  61. I'm so excited for you all! And your absolutely mailbox is so magazine deprevied lately too. Can't wait!

  62. Oh yay!! I have that exact feeling... the looking for a new magazine. I cant wait to see this!

  63. The best news I've heard in a long time! Congratulations!! This magazine is going to fill a huge hole. I'm so excited!

  64. You have NO IDEA how long I've been waiting for something like this! Count me in as a charter subscriber

  65. I am so excited and can hardly wait! A magazine right up my alley, especially since the magazine aisle has been so light lately! Bless you!

  66. I am soooooo glad of this news! I sorely miss Country Home and am looking forward to your premiere issue!

  67. What fantastic news!!! I will gladly subscribe - this is going to be fabulous!!!!

  68. Awesome!!!
    Can't wait to get the magazine!!
    I SO miss the decorating magazines.
    Congrat's to You.
    Deb :)

  69. Oh, goodie, goodie, goodie. This news just makes me smile!

  70. I am squealing with delight! You, Matthew Mead, Heather Bullard, together, a sure fire success!

  71. Theresa from gardenantiquesvintage sent me over here to see what the heck is going on and I must say I'm delighted, chickee, to view your blog. Very cute! Plus I'm excited about the new magazine coming out in 2010 and will definitely buy it. Whew, what a windbag this ol' gal is tonight. Must run to put my house back together after painting it PINK(!), sugar.


  72. I can't wait! It's a very exciting day for junkers!!!

  73. very exciting news... it looks very fresh just what we need today!!!!I know it will be a success!!!! all the best, xoxo Laura

  74. Congrats!!! and best wishes!! I have been going through magazine withdrawals this year especially with the demise of my beloved Country Home........I am sure this will be a wonderful adventure for you! All the best!

  75. This looks great Ki. Looking forward to it.

  76. You made my day, as I still miss Country Home, it was my fave for so many years! When can we get this new mag? I can't wait!

  77. Congratulations! I cant wait to see this magazine!


  78. So very excited!! I wish you all the success in the world as it's a shame that all these mags are ending. Love your style and have all your books! Looking forward to the new magazine!! Holly

  79. If this isn't the best news on the planet right now, I don't know what is!!! so excited I can hardly stand it! Congratulations, no really......I mean it, best best wishes!

    Tracey C.

  80. First things, first: Are you hiring?!

    I just found your blog and am envious of your shopping excursions! I would love to have a job where I travel this great country stopping at junk stores and flea markets! How fun!

  81. I agree with your comments about the magazine outlets out there on the market.Your style of magazine is well worth the wait.Sometimes that is the first thing I go to at the stores"magazine racks".I love them ,what can I say.Its disappointing what has become of them.Now with you it will be a good change.Im absolutly sure your magazine will suceed.Congradulations!!! Chickie

  82. this is such good news, not only for you but for us! Excited to see it.

  83. Woohoo! Congrats on the upcoming magazine! I will certainly be watching newstands for it next spring!

  84. Fantastic!!! That sounds like an awesome publication! Cant' wait to see it!!

    Enjoy your new endeavors!

    Hugs and best Wishes,
    (new blog
    Still in the process of working with a graphics person to transfer photos and do more layouts!!

  85. wooo hooo! This promises to be an awesome publication! We are looking forward to seeing you in September! In the meantime, we are collecting and building, creating and repurposing with a purpose!

    Anita & Judy

  86. Ki -

    An answer to one of my more frivolous prayers! I have been so missing my GOOD magazines!

    I plan on posting your news on my blog-

    Looking forward to Junk Bonanza!

  87. Great News - Can't wait to see the first issue!

  88. How very exciting! I look foward to reading some very inspiring design ideas, to be sure!

  89. EEEKK!!! I am super stoked about this ;) :) congrats! ...but another year??? i can hardly wait!

  90. You are going to be filling a big void in the magazine marketplace. I'm looking forward to what you put out and the blog information leading up to publication! We've all been suffering from the same magazine withdrawal the last several months.

  91. Ki,
    I have written to both Matthew and Linda about how excited I am for this magazine! I have felt the exact same way...going to magazine racks looking for something to uplift, inspire and help me create something unique in my home and there is nothing! I know your magazine will be the answer. I have saved many copies of Country Home, Mary Englebriet's Home Companion and Cottage living and I continue to reread all of them. I know yours will be the same...I will keep each one and pour over it again and again. I just can't wait! :)

  92. I'm so glad to hear this! I was having severe withdrawls after losing 2 of my favorite magazines. Good Luck!

  93. This is wonderful news! I can't wait to see it. Let me know if you ever need a Montana 'connection' - I'd be glad to help out! Jamie V in MT

  94. Please put me on your mailing list. I really like the sound of this new magazine. If it's as good as country home, it will be great.

  95. Wow 98 comments! You probably wont even get to this one , but I just had to say Congrats! I think we are all starved for a fresh new magazine, Cant't wait!

  96. I can't wait to see the magazine. I need some wonderful eye candy and loads of inspiration - how exciting!

  97. That's amazing new! Congratulations!

  98. well this just made my day! Cannot wait to see it.

  99. Congratulations!! What a thrilling and exciting adventure you are going on. I wish you all the luck in the world. I know I will become a subscriber!

    My Desert Cottage

  100. I can't wait to get the mag...keep up the great work.

    Love and Kisses



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