Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dream Junk Job

I seem to be tangled up in my many projects...

and some days feel like I am juggling so many "balls" I wonder how I will keep them all up in the air.

Bachman's Summer Ideas House opens this week and we have transformed it into a completely different home from spring, including paint colors, furniture, accessories, and over 75 ideas! In addition, the yard is filled with gardens, a working potting shed and entertaining spaces. Whew!

While we race to finish the Summer Ideas House I am working on refreshing the Flea Market Style Magazine blog. Yep, I have signed on to produce the 2011 edition, this time as Editor in Chief. Will announce the team and update you on the Flea Market Style blog really soon.

And of course, the Junk Bonanza needs my energies. Fortunately, I have an incredibly seasoned and dedicated staff I can count on. We'll be adding a blog this week on the Bonanza site to introduce you to our amazing vendors and update you on all Bonanza happenings.

I am the luckiest person in the world to have my dream junk job! I do however, go to bed each night wondering where the day went and hoping I don't drop any balls!




  1. Hi Ki!

    It does indeed sound like a dream job! I feel that too with my "newfound" crafting this year.
    Of course I work for Third World Country Wages!

    Anxious to see the blog and see what else you've been up to!

    Hope you get a chance to enjoy the long weekend a bit,,rainy and miserable in Washington State, but at least our shop should be busy!


  2. The CFO of my company says there are three type of balls; rubber, lead and crystal. Rubber balls bounce, lead balls don't destroy your world if you drop them. As long as you don't have too many crystal balls in the air to crash you are doing OK.

  3. Life sounds good, Ki! Can't wait to visit the Ideas House again and of course Junk Bonanza!! So happy to hear the magazine will be back in 2011- congrats!

  4. congratulations on the editor in chief! i am beyond thrilled that flea market style mag is coming back in 2011! can't wait...

  5. You are an inspiration, not to mention a good defense to non-believers, particularly spouses, who give you the definitive eye roll when the word junking is said.

    Keep the ball in the air.

  6. LOL Ki....I go to sleep with a headache from all the balls I've had bouncing on my head....I NEVER was good at juggling.... :o) !

    You though are indeed an inspiration & I'm sure when you're 'wondering' if you've dropped a ball or two it's just your minds eye keeping you on your toes....!!!

    LOVE seeing a new post from you in my reader....!!

    Take care,
    Tamarah :o)

  7. wow, you certainly are! congrats on the success of the magazine. it's a gem. and if you need any writers ... {please consider me!}


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  9. What a dream job indeed..Can't wait to see what ya will be posting next..Love the blog..

  10. YAY! Sooooo happy there'll be a 2011 edition—dare I dream it'll be MORE frequently?! Congrats. And it's better to have too many balls in the air than NONE. You're on a roll.... XOX

  11. If it gets too hard, toss a few balls my way...I'll help you juggle! I always love the outcome of whatever you're working on!

  12. Ki-
    I am thrilled that you will be heading up the next issue of Flea Market Style - and the fact that there will be a "next" issue!
    Always enjoy what you are doing - but hope that you remember to take a breath every once in a while!

  13. I feel blessed getting to work half of my time (most of the time in my head) at my junk job! Thank you for sharing your amazing job(s) and beautiful pics of junk!
    funky junk

  14. I am glad to hear that there will be a 2011 issue as I had read elsewhere of some changes. Good job! The Idea House is a full time job times 2

  15. Those balls will just hit your daytimer and I bet it will open to exactly the right page! No one is more organized than you, my dear!
    Much Love,


    thanks! love your blog


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