Sunday, August 15, 2010

Random Thoughts.

I was recently at the Atlanta Gift Market and spent much of my time in crowded elevators traveling from floor to floor. The market was busy and the elevators were working overtime. Folks squeezed a bit closer each time the doors opened to make room for yet another passenger. We all joked and greeted each other while looking at the back of heads.

Did my hair look as bad as most of my elevator colleagues? I was horrified. I realized the only time I look at the back of my head is when my stylist, Bea, spins me around in the chair and hands me a mirror. That would be about 4 times a year...yikes!

Upon returning from Market, I ran to my friend Jane's shop and purchased a $4. vintage hand mirror. If I am in a hurry in the morning, I don't bother to look, as I would spend the day knowing my severe cowlick needed some work. What was the saying? What you don't know, won't hurt you?

I guess that is why I like flea markets...there are no elevators and nobody really cares what you look like. Have you checked out the back of your head lately?

Amy over at Junkologie blog is having a super giveaway. You could win tickets to the Junk Bonanza or a signed copy of Flea Market Style Magazine 2010. Hop on over and let her know I sent ya!
PS Yep, that is vintage peach and black tile in my bathroom. It is kinda a love hate thing with me.


  1. funny, I am the same way. It's the same for my weight, too. I hat a fat stomach on myself, but never think about a big behind! Lezlee

  2. I am totally with you! I very rarely check the back of my hair and I know there are days when there is something funky going on in back!! We have JUNK on the brain. Who cares about on hair. We are on a mission!!

    Can't wait to see you. Only 1 month to go!

  3. why just yesterday i was looking at the back of my hair, hoping i hadn't missed any grays back there!

    ki, you always look so adorable. nothing to worry about. :)


  4. Yayyyyyyyy Ki....!

    I'm on the 'fly' at the moment back at work following the SVJ-X....Oh I SO want to 'bend your ear about THAT'....Anyways....Just wanted to say HI & to let you know I am SO EXCITED about flying over for the Junk Bonanza....WOOHOO....And I'm sure if I have occasion to be looking at the back of your noggin, it will look just FINE....hahahahaha....!!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  5. I should own stock in hand mirrors. I always check and recheck the back of my hair, always have and always will. I sit 4-5 rows up from the back of the church and I'm noticing hair all the time. ahaha. Yesterday there were a couple of funny ones! But God doesn't care! He was just glad we were all there!
    I too love yard sales and flea markets!!

  6. I never look at the back of my head either, even after a friend told me once (when I thought I was having a particularly good hair day) that the back of my hair looked like the rear end of a guinea pig!

    Nice, huh?

    Maybe I'll look for a hand held at this week's auction............

  7. Funny! I guess I don't think about it much either. Might have to pull out that hand mirror and check once in a while! :)


    P.S. Thanks for donating the great prizes for Junkologie Blog Party 2010, Ki!

  8. This is sooooo funny!! Really made me laugh - as recently I saw a picture of my hair from the side/back view on someone's blog - and quite honestly was horrified!!! :) I typically don't worry about this kind of thing too much . . . until I saw this little picture - shocking I say . . . shocking!! :)

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Hope you are having a great summer!! :) - liz


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