Friday, November 19, 2010

'Tis the Season Give-a-way!

The Bachman's Holiday Ideas House would be incomplete without lots of natural elements, Bachman's is a nursery and garden center, after all! We incorporated hundreds of boughs, spruce tips, poinsettias, pine cones and birch twigs to add a festive feel.

The sunroom was decked out for a celebration, of course!

A collection of vintage ornaments, displayed in a bowl are just one of the simple sparkly touches.

The Bachman's Holiday Ideas House is open through December 12 {closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thanksgiving}.

Time to celebrate!
This week, my Junk Camp blog reached 1000 followers! Yeah! To mark this occasion, I am offering a $100 gift certificate to my Junk Revolution store to ONE lucky reader.

My daughter, Taylor, and I spent this past week filling Junk Revolution's virtual shelves with over 2o new tee & sweat shirt designs and accessories, just in time for the holidays.

I want to thank all of you for coming along on my junking journey, supporting my various endeavors and faithfully reading about it all on this blog.

To enter, just leave a comment on this post.
You must be a follower to win {so become one if you are not already!}.

I will close the comments at midnight (CST) on Tuesday 11.23.10 and announce the winner on Wednesday.



  1. I follow and I would love to win! ;) What a great giveaway. When we were in MN i loved your section of Bachman's! I could use the gif certificate for my newly made over kitchen I just posted on!

  2. yes, I definitely follow! and would love to win! the bachman house looks splendid...time to get holiday decorating underway
    amy of four corners design

  3. Congrats on 1,000 followers! Wish I could go to the open house - looks like fun.

  4. 3 is my lucky number so I'll keep my fingers crossed. Although it would be hard, I know exactly what I would choose from your store. I could really use a cart liner and a couple of those cool t-shirts! Thanks for the chance!!

  5. What a great giveaway!
    Wish I could attend the open house.

    Tracy :)

  6. OOOOOH! How wonderful - I need to make it down from the North Shore to visit!

  7. I am a follower!
    Such beautiful ornaments at Bachman's. Looks like a great place to shop and find inspiration.
    Have fun!

  8. Hi Ki,
    I was so impressed at the Bachman's house! You and your team did an amazing job!
    I'm a follower and would love a chance to win you giveaway. Thank you.
    Deb :)

  9. I have had your blog on my blog roll since I started blogging almost a year ago and did not know I was not a follower, I am now. I enjoy all of your ideas and I hope to win.

  10. I follow you faithfully on my own private blogroll, but not via the "follower" signup sites. Do I really have to do that? I like to keep some moderation and simplicity in my online use...I like real junk, not the computer kind!

  11. I keep up on your blog through google reader, but I joined as a follower also.
    You always have such great ideas/inspirations!

  12. I'm one of the 1000 followers and followed you from the beginning! Thank you for organizing the Junk Bonanza every year and all your other projects. I enjoy each and every one!

  13. OOH! $100 YEH! count me in...and of course I am a follower.

  14. Wow, what an awesome giveaway for someone to win...hopefully me!! I have been a follower!


  15. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I am a follower and have enjoyed reading and viewing your blog. I think I need to plan a trip to MN to tour Bachman's. Mall of America used to be our destination but not anymore!

  16. I can't wait to see the Bachman house decorated for the holidays. Cheryl (Tomboy Tools) and I have tickets for Tuesday. Maybe we will see you there!

    I've been a follower since the beginning and would love to win the drawing!

  17. Please sign me up for a chance to win this great give away. I am a follower....

  18. Bachman's & Minnesota! That is my language! :) thanks for the tip it soulnds like a fun thing to do with my mom!!!

  19. I've been a follower of yours for quite a while. I would JUNK follow you anywhere!!Thanks for continuing to be an INSPIRATION!!

  20. Wow, wonderful giveaway! I have had your blog listed in my blog list since the start and have added myself as a follower too, please count me in, thanks, Tamara

  21. I would love to enter your giveway. Awesome!

  22. Oh, what fun! Congratulations!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    : )

    Julie M.

  23. What a generous giveaway! I am already a happy follower. I hope you can show photos of the Idea House for those of us that don't live close enough to attend! :)

  24. I'm a follower and enjoy the photos of the Bachman idea house so much!

  25. i just became a follower!:)
    hope i win- love all the ideas
    beth smith

  26. I am already a follower and will be keeping my fingers crossed!

  27. Sign me up for your fantastic giveaway! Blogs give me my only inspiration for christmas! Thanks!

  28. I Love the pics!!!! I am a follower :) and would love to enter! You give such great ideas, for decorating on the cheap;) I love hunting for the things to do this with almost as much as the finished products!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!


  29. Hey Ki...Haven't left any comments for awhile...any where...but I sure would like to win that gift card! Count me in! Thanks *elaine*

  30. Lovin' the Holiday pics - great inspiration!

  31. I am so much a follower of your blog! I love it! Congrats on all your followers and thanks for this great giveaway!

    Pattie @ On Hollyhock Farm

  32. What a great giveaway!! I am a follower too. I love junking, I do it every Wednesday. I have found many a great find! Blessings

  33. Oh my goodness! My husbands family is from MN and the next time we are up there, I will be making a trip to see you!!

  34. Yeah! I'm a follower now. Ok so what can I say, I've been a member of JR for over a year and well those ladies are NUTS! Thank The Lord I found kindred spirits. And of course it's all because of you. (Well I found your site thru Margo) Opened your blog and found the "book cottage" Where do you come up with these? Pick me! Pick me! LOL Diane :)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Love the ideas I get from your blog! I am a happy follower!


  37. Oooh! Great giveaway, thanks so much!

  38. Congrats Ki~ you Rock!

    What a fun giveaway and of COURSE I follow!

    Have a GREAT Thanksgiving!


  39. I am a faithful follower
    always love your creative ideas
    Thanks for offering a wonderful giveaway

  40. wow, I am sooo glad I found you!!! I love junk!!!
    please enter me and now I am a follower, thanks so much!!!

  41. What a great giveaway. Please enter my name, I would so love to win!

  42. Congrats on reaching 1,000! I am a follower and it would be a very merry christmas to win! Very generous of you!

  43. Oh yes, I'm a follower! I would love to be entered in your drawing. Can you see more of the bachman house? Thanks, Dawn

  44. A great giveaway. I've been a follower for a long time.

  45. What a sweet giveaway!!!! I am a follower and was a reader long before I had a blog! Thanks for allll of your inspirations!!!!

  46. What an awesome giveaway, Ki! I'm your newest follower and am looking forward to getting to know you better! :) Wish I lived closer so that I could shop at that fabulous store!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

    xoxo laurie

  47. Just found you- following your blog- love it. Thanks for the chance to win- awesome giveaway!

  48. Congrats on 1000 followers! Beautiful inspiration as always

  49. I follow you and what a fun present from santa this would be!!;)

  50. Oh to be THAT winner! Happy 1000 to you! I just hit that mark this week too.

  51. Interesting blog...I look forward to following your junking adventures! :)

  52. hello ki!

    congrats on 1000! so fun to be taggin' along on your junkin' journey!

    fingers crossed!


  53. So pretty! i love love old ornaments in a bowl or jars..

  54. great if I can only figure out how to become a follower...

  55. Yippee, Skippee!!!! I'm follower number 1021. I can't wait to meet the other 1020 new friends who love the same junk that I do.


    Carol Casey

  56. I was at the Junk Bonanza and shopped in the store there and bought myself a sweatshirt but left alot of things I would love to have. Wish I could attend the open house.

  57. Hi Ki,
    Of course I am a follower,I would love to be the lucky one to win.
    I would also love to come north and see Bachman House,maybe some day.
    Take Care and have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS


  58. Congrats on the milestone! I'm a long time fan and follower...


  59. Congrats! I'm brand new and a follower....Wanna win... fingers crossed. Give a way... give a way...give a way..... Best to you..xoso Sandy

  60. I love love all your great ideas! I am a follower and would feel so blessed to win! Add my name to your fabulous giveaway!! Thxs so much~

  61. Congrats on reaching such a huge milestone, and I can't wait to see the house all decked out for Christmas. I can never get enough of Bachman's!

  62. I love your ideas and have been following you for years. Christmas will be even more fun with your ideas to borrow in my house. I would love to be the lucky winner too!

  63. What a great giveaway! Thanks! I"m a RSS follower.

    lexbyam at gmail dot com

  64. What a sweet giveaway.Enter me!Warm Blessings!~Amy

  65. I went to Junk Bonanza for the first time in 2010 - because I saw it on your blog. I really loved it and had a great time taking pictures, buying "treasures" and then getting them back to Arizona. I would love to win!

  66. Ki, I've followed
    you since your
    days with JM over
    off of Willow Rd!
    And have also been
    following your blogs.
    I had the pleasure
    of tagging along
    with Jill to the
    Fall styled house
    and it was amazing.
    You are so talented.
    xx Suzanne
    PS: Fingers crossed
    for this wonderful

  67. I have followed you since the tiny place in Long Lake. Then the old grocery store, then the warehouse. I remember the junk hunks were high schoolers. What fun! I still treasure the things that I bought from those days!!

  68. I'd love the chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
    I'm a follower via GFC.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  69. Congratulations on the 1,000! I love junk!

  70. I love your site. And I'd love a few junk tee shirts for Christmas. Pick me, pick me.

  71. Have been following for a while now. Love all things junk. Trying to figure out how to hold my own junk bonaza here in central Ark!

  72. Maybe we can get lucky!

  73. Would love to win this most generous giveaway! Congratulations on 1,000 followers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dawn... The Bohemian


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.