Friday, March 13, 2009

Just Married. Button Junk Project.

Junk bliss is the marriage between 2 pieces of junk that were meant for each other. In an earlier post I rambled on about all the cool junk I found at Reninger's Mt. Dora Extravaganza. I didn't realize at the time, 2 of my purchases were a marriage made in heaven!

The bride.

The groom.

The groom, as I mentioned, was used on the bottom of chair and table legs with casters...still don't know what they are me out.

I guess you could call this the wedding party!

I pinched 1" corner braces with a pliers to add a slight angle.

I attached the braces to the whatchamacallits with super glue.

I left some whatchamacallits without backing as shown above.

To secure the button, I snipped a paper clip and bent it with a pliers to resemble a cotter pin. I slipped the clip through the button back to secure.

I gave other whatchamacallits a backing.

I cut scrap cardboard to fit snugly inside.

I punched a hole through the cardboard (brown color on opposite side) with a sharp nail to accommodate the button back. I left the hole slightly smaller than the button back so it was secure when pushed in.

A junk marriage made in heaven!

Oh, I know you are thinking. Whatchamacallits would make the cutest little're right!

If you haven't checked out Junk Revolution's online store for your spring junking gear, head on over!


  1. As always, you're just postively AMAZING! Cute stuff everywhere!

  2. I love these!!! They would be cute as a key chain too. Thanks for sharing! I always look forward to your posts- Krista

  3. How clever you are -- to see something magical and fun with something found, old and used. Love this. -susan

  4. That is such a fun post and project, but what are the chances a country-girl like me could find some of those chair-caster-dealy-bobbies???

  5. So much fun and so pretty! I love your blog- it makes me look at everything a little bit differently.

  6. I love this project, as usual. But I also like the watchamacallits by themselves. I'm thinking some sort of junk jewelry.
    Thanks for the inspiration, now we just need to know what they are called so we can find them on ebay.

  7. I would say they are a perfect match. How you came up with that is beyond me, but it is very clever and cute.

    Have a happy day


  8. Hi Ki,

    I'm sure I'm way behind on this, but I was reading Jenny Doh's blog posting last night She said Somerset Magazines had extended their call for green and recycled projects/art. If you already are involved yeah I can't wait to see the new green issue!! If you aren't I would think that this would be an excellent way to reach a whole lotta people :)

    Just thought you might like to know :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mexico

  9. Such creative talent.....Amazing project you come up with....such an inspiration to us all!!!! Thank you for sharing!!! ~Cheryl

  10. I believe your watchamacallit is simply a top plate or mounting plate for the caster.

    Anyways, no matter, what it's called... this is an amazingly simply creative project!! Wonderful way to display Grandma's precious buttons!! Now I need some watchamacallits!! hehe!

  11. Wow, Ki! Did you buy that whole lot?
    What a find! Of course...I think you have radar for this stuff! ;-)
    Love the little frame idea.
    I just heard a new term for what you do. It's called "upscaling" instead of recycling. It's when we take an old object and give it a prettier and/or better purpose than its original use. Love that.
    You get the Green Award today, as always!

  12. AWESOME!!! Your watchamacallit would be a greta frame for little punchneedle projects too!! Oh how adorable!! Love the wedding party :)

  13. I love the happy couple! I did a little junking this last week and came up with some great junk to make book ends with! Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Ki- this is my all time favorite project you've done. I love the way the watchamacallits showcase the gorgeous buttons. I am a button fan and make jewelry from them, but this would be another cool way to showcase them through decorating with them. What a great find you found in Florida.
    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Ki, I just recieved my Outdoor Edition of Junk Beautiful! I went on a small road trip today and read it from front to back. I loved it, I have all of your "Junk magazines" I read and study each picture and page!! Thanks for the great book!! I will add it to my new post if its OK! dawn

  16. Dawn,
    Glad you enjoyed Sue and Kimberly's new book. Sue and I are no longer working together so I can't take credit. I sold my interest in JunkMarket to Taunton Publishing last year and have started my new company, Junk Revolution. I know it's confusing!

  17. Love how you think outside of the box!

  18. Darling idea! Love this blog!

  19. Ki, This is such a great idea! I love all of your ideas, and I was so disappointed that Country Home closed shop because I looked forward to your article every month. I miss it already! I'm glad we get to follow along on your blog and website, though, for endless inspiration.

    ~ Jennifer

  20. oh I just love your junk :)
    Want to see you put that pink drill you were refering to in action soon.
    Take care

  21. This is truly junk art!! love it.

  22. Those chair dooveys would also make great rubbing/printing plates. I've got my eagle eye out for some.

  23. well get merried is and inportant decision that u have to think about it ,for some time trust me wait for some time

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