Saturday, March 7, 2009

Kitchen Strainer Junk Project

Being a native Minnesotan, you can imagine how excited I was to see that our Lowes in Ocala Florida has their garden department chock full of flowers! I couldn't resist! I was planning to use this vintage kitchen strainer for an organizing project, but thought I'd give you a little spring tease.

I carefully bent the metal rods between the strainer and the wood handle with a vice to create a 90 degree angle. Took 20 seconds. I lined the strainer with sheet moss I found in the garden department and planted my flowers. (Be sure to soak moss in water.)

I promise I will come up with an organizing project as well...I just couldn't resist! My husband called to tell me it was 50 degrees in Minnesota today, a heat wave, for sure. I just didn't have the heart to tell him I got a little sunburn while working in the garden.

Remember to check out the Junk Revolution Gallery where you will find some of my favorite products, artists, blogs, events, shops and websites.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jealous for sure, Ki ! Here in Nebraska it's 34 degrees and rain turning to ice tonight! We did have 2 nice days, one reaching 70 degrees. Just a spring tease for sure. Enjoy your sunshine and send some our way!

  3. Thats a great idea! I have one of those too(-: It was nice here today too!

  4. I love it; and I can't wait until I, too, can visit the garden centers and begin planning my flower beds.

    Enjoy that sunny weather!

  5. I wish I had a knack for looking at one thing and seeing all the other potential it has.. I shall start practicing! :)

  6. What a great idea.You see these all the time at the dump.

  7. Cute! I'm so jealous, I'm in MN and am so sick of winter!

  8. How very sweet! you have some chandelier crystals around to hang from the little "thingies" that ordinarily hold the strainer aloft over a bowl?
    I just love your idea. Now I know what to do with all the strainers I see in the antique shop downtown. Sometimes this old brain could use some repurposing nudges! Good one here, Ki!

  9. I definitely have spring fever now! Its snowing here right now. When will spring arrive and stay with us? Im ready for green grass, flowers, and sunshine!


  10. Ki, love the stainer idea, you do have great ideas!! We are enjoying the warmer temps here in S.E. Kansas too! Dawn

  11. Love this project!
    kari & kijsa

  12. Hi Ki!

    Looks like you are having a ball! I also wanted you to know that "yaya" license sign I had ya'll make....gets A LOT of compliments! It hangs proudly in the shop where all can see...

    Have a beautiful and creative week!

    xo...deb (junkin' yaya)

  13. Ki, what a great idea! I've used other kitchen "junk" before in the garden, but not one of those.:)
    sigh. having half a heart attack about your Mt. Dora posts.
    xo Lidy

  14. Love it! I'm planning to plant up a vintage metal colander this spring.

  15. What a cute idea -- I can see it outside a kitchen window! Very inspirational, -susan

  16. Oh what FUN! Love the Junk Project. I will add it to my garden decor!
    The Vintage Barn

  17. Let me just say a very loud "so cute"!!!!

  18. Oh, flowers looks so good right now! It was 6 below in MN this morning! I am so ready for spring. Btw, I sent in my contract for the Bonanza, I'm so excited for another great show! Even better than last year!


  19. IT IS JUST NOT FAIR THAT YOU HAVE FLOWERS ALREADY! Although your project looks just delightful. Can't wait for markets to open.

  20. Hi Ki ~
    Thanks for sharing this very sweet idea!
    Here in Canada we are seeing the slightest hints of spring and ideas like this get us very itchy indeed!
    I have so many well-loved 'red handled' kitchen utensils in my shop and now I can add your idea to my 'What Would Martha Do?' blog.
    Thanks again ... happy spring!


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