Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Shopping Renninger's Mt. dora. Part 2

Heaven on Earth! Renninger's Extravaganza is my idea of junk heaven. I envision the pearly gates to be built from the most beautiful junk I will ever see.

It was a wondrous day of shopping and I know I left many junk stones unturned.

My problem is I get hung up at booth's like Debs, scrounging through the overflowing boxes of hinges, knobs, buttons, and magnificent hardware.

Flea markets can be exhausting. Sometimes, I wish I could turn my brain off. It's overwhelming thinking of all the potential projects lurking in the mountains of good junk.

Where else can you find Patti-Pac cake make-up along side door knobs, corner blocks, and frying pans?

My uncle Scott needed a frying pan for the grill so we checked out his options. We both learned some of the history of Griswold from a friendly, patient, and knowledgeable vendor. His purchase was this pan above. $25.

Scott passed up this pan...$950. To find out more about Griswold and why the heck there is such a dramatic difference in prices, click here. http://www.griswoldcookware.com/history.htm

I was attracted to this booth filled with frames, mirrors and wall art, all constructed from spectacular salvaged ceiling tin. No wonder...I realized it was the booth of Bobby Boyd, one of our Junk Bonanza vendors from Chicago. He and I had the same idea , head south for the winter and enjoy a slice of heaven.

Bobby is headed to Texas this month. Smart guy!

The day was long, the weather was what Minnesotans dream of in the month of February.

When I literally almost ran over this pooped puppy, I knew exactly how he felt! I am planning a shopping trip to Webster and Arcadia Florida during my stay. Will share pics. I am having too much fun!

Be sure to visit the brand new Junk Revolution Gallery where I will feature one of my favorite blogs, websites, shops, artists, vendors, flea markets or products each week.


  1. Now that's what I call GREAT JUNK!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey, I see a familiar face. Bobby and I are neighbors at Zapp Hall. We set up right across from each other. He's a hoot!!

  3. Really enjoyed the pictures. Wish I could be there. That's some nice junk!!!!

  4. I got quite the chuckle over the Griswold stuff. My grandmother was a secretary at Griswold for many years. My family has many of the Griswold pieces. But I think everyone in Erie has lots of Griswold pieces. You can't go wrong when cooking with a Griswold pan.

  5. Love your description of "pearly gates to Junk Heaven" :-) That sweet little pup looks all shopped out!

  6. Ki,
    I am SO jealous! When I lived in Florida (20 years ago) Webster was my FAVORITE flea market. My husband and I still talk about it when remembering the good old days. You will find some great things there!!!

  7. Great pics... Seems like a nice time had although weary...

  8. Hi Ki,

    I came a callin because Carol of Raised in Cotton posted about the award you gave her. I'm so glad I did!! Both your blog and web sites are great :) I posted finding you on my blog today, so we can spread the news! I live in Mexico and this country is the world's best at reuse, make do, repair, and repurpose!! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mexico

  9. Ki, looks like you are having the best of time in Florida. Just wish it was Flea Market season here in Minnesota! I recognized Bobby from the Junk Bonanza. I love all his things! I'll have to go and check out your new Gallery! Take care!

    Lanette @ Cottage Elements

  10. On my way to Webster!!! I love your blog...love your junk....love your revolution!

  11. Love all the "JUNK"...isn't it great?!?!?!? Seems I can always find SOMETHING to do with junk! Thanks for sharing!


  12. Found your blog through Joy of Nesting and wanted to say hi! i LOVE your 'junk' finds, they all look so WONDERFUL!! :) Have a GREAT day!!

  13. first thing i noticed was the Junk Hard tee followed by big pikes of amazing junk. ok, i don't even know where to start: buttons and more buttons-ican't wait to see the necklace, black and white twine, trowels(my guess is that they will become wall hooks), candy mold-i love it, and what a steal! i too love old stamps-what a great idea and simple too. i had so much fun browsing through your good junk. thanks for sharing.

  14. i forgot to tell you that the temperture here today in west Texas was 90 degrees. kinda crazy!

  15. Sounds like you had a blast at the show. We were there in November and I am so looking forward to going back this November. So much interesting stuff!!!

  16. You are a girl after my own heart!!! Love your projects & the puppy!!! One of my alter egos is
    k9mom123!!! Happy Junking!!


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