Saturday, October 4, 2008

Junk Bonanza 2008 Part 3. The stories.

Times flies. The Junk Bonanza seems so long ago. As you can imagine it was a crazy-busy 3 days filled with all sorts of incredible stories. One thing was apparent...Everyone had a good time including attendees, vendors and staff!

The Blues Brothers were rockin' out with folks at the Bonanza!

Our son Tyson, now 22 years old, worked most of his high school years at the JunkMarket. I was thrilled when he offered to fly back from LA and help me out. He worked till midnight at his office in Santa Monica, caught the red eye to MPLS, drove directly to the event, threw on a staff t-shirt, and jumped right in. His experience as a bar back/bartender/manager at Grandma's Sports Saloon in Duluth MN during college helped to develop his confident take-charge attitude and it was fun to see him in action. He continually reminded me of the importance of organizing the money I collected from book signings when he noticed it was mushed and overflowing from all four of my jean pockets. Tyson meticulously tabulated revenue during the event thanks to his major in finance and was my trouble shooter when the lights went out. I was so proud of him! Thank you Tyson!

Brenda, Bonanza vendor and jewelry artist extraordinaire, just foolin' around. Check out her fabulous jewelry at

I wish our vendors would be more serious...there was way too much foolin' around! You can visit Jane every month at her shop in Carver. You may recognize Jane as a member of the Bonanza Posse.

As I mentioned in an earlier post we weathered floods running through the rainsoaked tent and a city wide black-out which demanded the ballroom be evacuated for 2 and 1/2 hours. With some quick thinking and a little preparation Saturday morning Jane, John and I handed out vendor goodie bags along with a Bonanza survival kit which consisted of a vintage plastic rain bonnet for the tent vendors and a recycled box of matches and a small candle for our ballroom dealers. They were all great sports and didn't try to blame me for the dramatic events.

Amy picking up her prize for naming Junkerella and winning my first blog contest!

Sandy was adopted to a wonderful can read about her trip home by clicking on The continuing travels of Sandy on my sidebar . (I retained visiting rights!)

I was invited to a slumber party at the hotel with the Red Shed ladies and their crew. What fun! Fortunately, they didn't make me put on my pajamas...

Christine, Junk Corral Queen of Display, found her van dead as a doornail as she was about to head home. Never Fear, Jennifer from Tomboy Tools was there...with her pink jumper cables!

We packed it up for another year! This Monday the Possee meets to rehash and begin plans for Junk Bonanza 2009. Keep an eye on the Bonanza website as you will soon see updates for next year's barn stompin' event!

I bet you are wondering what's up with the Junk Revolution. Lots! Next post I will update you. I am heading to LA in a couple days....Hollywood here I come!



  1. Hi Ki,
    I'm still interested on when you are having your garage sale..Are you going to put an ad in the paper?? or have you decided on a date? I'm renting space at How Quaint if Shakopee and have a booth at Anitques I'm always looking for things to resale at these places.
    Happy weekend.

  2. Deb,
    It will be either Thursday Oct. 16 or the 23rd. I may decide last minute since I don't get back from CA till the 14th and not sure I will get things marked by then. I will be sure to post as soon as I figure it out! Would love to meet you!


  3. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to have stumbled upon your site!!! You have made junk shopping and decorating respectable and I thank you.
    I am adding you to my favorite blog list.

  4. Have a great trip out here to So Cal! I think my sister may try to get to your garage sale :) Hugs, Erin


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