Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kitty Update

If you read my previous post you know I was on my way to my local vet in hopes of finding the owner of the friendly stray cat that chose me as it's advocate. Unfortunately, I found it's owner.

Microchips are amazing! Earlier today I called my former vet to ask if they scanned strays for microchips. Yeah! They do and at no charge! I found a random box from my garage sale stash, threw in one of my husband's sweaters to make the ride more comfy, and plunked in a seemingly sick but cooperative kitty. A few meows and we were off to the vet. When we arrived the assistant pulled out a device and waved it over kitty like a magic wand. Beeep. We have a winner! A microchip was found. She called the humane society and they gave us the owner's name and several phone numbers. I couldn't wait to call the owners and let them know their pet was in good hands until they could get to us.

During our visit I mentioned to Dr. Harnett that the cat seemed sick. Sneezing, coughing and lethargic. He proceeded to take kitty's temperature to find that it was over 104. something and informed me that it was most likely a respiratory something which often resulted in pneumonia. He gave kitty an injection of antibiotics and said that would last a few days. He sent me off with a few bags of cat food to tide kitty over until his owner showed up. Oh, I asked Dr. Harnett and he confirmed kitty is a neutered male. When I tried to give the gal at the desk billing info for the check-up and drugs, Dr. Harnett said there would be no charge.

I packed kitty up and raced to the car. I was so excited to let his family know they could stop worrying! I called the number on the post-it note as I sat in the parking lot. A man answered. He was very abrupt and when I told him the story there was this wierd long pause. I sheepishly asked if he would like to reunite with his pet and he said bluntly "NO" and hung up on me!

My bubble burst. I marched back into the veterinarian's office and asked what I needed to do to help kitty become healthy. (He told me that the humane society does not take in sick animals for adoption.) I never imagined I would own a cat again, certainly not a Siamese, and not when my life is so up-in-the-air. My goal is to get kitty healthy and find a loving family to adopt him.

In the meantime, kitty is sleeping in my garage under a heat lamp, as advised by the doctor. I had the assistant make a list of all the items I need to think about including vaccines and flea medication. (I was told kitty needs to be healthier before receiving anything on the list.) I arrived home and kitty looked at me with his sad blue eyes and I could just cry. I hope he doesn't know the owner he most likely adores doesn't give a crap about him.

I will let you know how he does over the weekend. When he is able to have his flea stuff , he can join us inside. Anyone out there interested in adopting a wonderful and lovable Siamese with loads of personality?

We should give him a name. He deserves one!



  1. If you can bring him to Raleigh, NC I would take him!!!! He is tooooo cute!

  2. Oh - I am sorry the previous owner was such a jerk... I would imagine if they put a chip in him, then they must have cared at some point. Perhaps he is a product of divorce.... In any case a better advocate couldn't be found.. Much success in finding Mr Boots a new home...

    Not sure where that name came from... LOL Black feet, boots, camp... boot camp... LOL

  3. Awwwwww...well Kitty is so lucky to have found you, great you're trying to help him out, I'm sure you won't have trouble finding him a good home.
    Really really sad the owner acted that way isn't it, poor ole kitty cat.


  4. You should definitely keep him. He is beautiful. If I didn't have FOUR cats already, I'd give you a call as I live in Mn too. Cats are great for people on the go, much easier than dogs although I do love dogs, just don't have time with two full time schedules...maybe someday. Bless you for helping a creature in need.

  5. Awww, that is awful that he acted that way. My first thought was divorce too. Maybe he dumped the cat and thought he was rid of it. Reminds me of the song "the cat came back" Kitty is lucky to have found you and I'm sure you'll do him right. You may just have yourself a new pet though. :) As for me, I'm allergic :(

  6. Lost kitties need people like you -- you're a hero! I can't imagine why the owner wasn't thrilled that his cat had been found -- perhaps he'd already bought a new one?

  7. You're a life saver. Bravo! Such beautiful cat will find a good home, especially with you as his advocate.

  8. That just breaks my heart! :( What a blessing that the cat came to see YOU, and is getting good care now. Kudos to the vet for helping him at no charge! Hopefully Mr. Kit-Kat will be on the mend soon, and will get a loving adoptive family!!

  9. The best pets are the ones that choose their owners. I think you should call him Lucky.

  10. You are an awesome human being for taking good care of him until you find him a home...It speaks volumes of your character! Im so mad that the owner did that! You need to call the humane society and see if there is anything you can do to punish this guy for neglect...That is abuse/animal cruelty! I hope that he finds a good home! Lucky is a perfect name for him!

  11. Ki, you are too sweet! What a great example for the rest of us. You certainly are a hero!

  12. Poor, little kitty, although he's a lucky one to have you as his guardian angel...

    Whatever you name him, it better have something to do with junk - he obviously heard about your yard sale!!

    I love cats - have two white ones - so I'd probably be tempted to keep him if he'd landed on my door (although my husband would be putting posters up all around the neighbourhood...).

    Good luck with your little friend!

  13. I have a theory about the kitty. I'll be he was originally adopted from the humane society, neutered and chipped by them prior to adoption. Then the owners that adopted him, abandoned him for some reason. I'd be sure to notify the Humane society what this particular owner did, and be sure to change the chip registration. Also you can "reverse phone look up" this person, to see where they live, and therefore determine if the kitty was dumped. It's all so sad.

  14. I wish I could take him. Unfortunately I already have three (two that were strays). He is very fortunate to have found you, and you are very generous as I know how expensive pet care can be. I think you should name him Rev, as in Revolution or Revolted (from the previous owner).


  15. That is the perfect name! I named him Rev. Short for Revolution. He is the only cat I've ever known to actually hug you and not want to get down. He seems to be feeling better...Now I need to find Rev a good home.


  16. I'd call him "Junk". Nice story and good for you.

  17. Ki, as a fellow lifelong junker, you and I both know that the best finds are usually the ones that just fall into our laps. That Rev won't get out of yours is surely a sign. I'm with those who vote "keep."

    The best cat I've ever had is my girl Maui. At a time when my life was upside down, several times a week I would get off the bus one stop sooner so I could visit her at the pet store adoption center. After several months I indignantly asked them why she was still there. They told me she had a health problem and no one wanted her. They urged me to take her. I didn't have money, I barely had my own apartment, I was rebuilding my life from the ground up.

    They told me we needed each other. They were exactly right. They waived the adoption fee and I took her home. Two years later, she's lying beside me sleeping. My little guardian angel has been with me into a bigger apartment, getting a car, getting my sons back, getting my life back.

    I think Rev should stay with you, for surely we "entertain angels unawares."

  18. I think you should look into getting the man in trouble for pet abandonemnt, the ASPCA will help you out with that.

    Its not right to just get rid of an animal when you feel you dont want it anymore, that animal has depended on its human its whole life, trusted, loved, etc.

    It's just not right.


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