Monday, June 8, 2009

Road Trip. Mississippi.

I spent many a Friday night with my high school buddies at the local drive-in theatre. The drive-in seems to have disappeared along with our favorite hangouts, the Main Street tastee freeze and bowling alley.

We ran across this amazing landmark named after my mom, Beverley, in Hattiesburg Mississippi. It is for sale and would make a wonderful flea market venue. Any buyers out there?

Just down the street, Hwy 49 South, I spied Marketplace Antiques & Frenchie's Flea Market (601-544-6644) and decided to check it out. I wasn't surprised when I saw this drive-in movie speaker for sale.

Kerry waited in the car as I cruised over 200 booths in this very large antique mall. Realizing I could be a while, he came inside to explore with me.

The auditorium chairs were in the back, the flea market area, and I was told the vendor had over 500 to pick from @ $20. each.

This historic train depot bench was priced a titch higher...

The sign above reads:
No trespassing on this farm. No sitting on or climbing fences or going through them. No climbing on buildings.... you get the idea...I get the impression the property owner was a little annoyed with folks when he scribbled out this warning.

Our stomachs were beginning to grumble. I advised my husband that I couldn't possibly eat another meal served under the Golden Arches. He recommended we look for a quirky hole-in-the-wall restaurant with a barbecue sign and a parking lot filled with cars. It didn't take us very long to find just that! Shady Acres in Seminary, Mississippi on Hwy 49. (601-722-4130)

I didn't try the crawfish...but I did chow down a pulled pork barbecue sandwich. Mm mm.

If the sign said antiques...we stopped! Jerry and Ann Kukor welcomed us to their charming shop in Magee, Mississippi on Hwy 49 and Ann gave us a tour of her beautiful watercolor paintings she has for sale. (601-797-4393)

No room in the truck for this rockin' juke box...

My bumper sticker says I brake for junk...that includes trash as well!

Trash and Treasure on Hwy 49 in Mendenhall Mississippi was an adventure in junk! A little more digging than your average mall, but the great prices made it worth it! (601-847-6700)

Love the ashtray by the front door! Not for sale.

My husband spotted this treasure and we were able to find it a spot in the truck! Yippee!

Kerry and I met so many wonderful people on our 2nd day of travel and saw the coolest junk! We arrived at the Arricks, our hosts, in Tyler Texas late that evening. We had to rest up for a busy next day in Canton Texas! Can't wait to tell you all about it!


  1. Ki,
    I feel like I'm on the trip with you. I love all the pictures of the great junk. I can't wait until your next post. Enjoy your trip!!

  2. That looks like an amazing trip. Your photos really capture and make me long for the south.

  3. Believe it or not....I went to that drive in theatre when I was in high school!!! Your post brought back many a memory!!

  4. Those shops look like so much fun. Maybe I need to take a trip to Mississippi.

  5. Lots of cool stuff.

    I love those auditorium chairs and that depot bench!

  6. great finds - love the old bottles

  7. Oh Ki, it all looks like so much fun!! What a life looking for junk. I love your eskimo ice cream sign the best!

  8. Hey Ki!! Looks like you are having too much fun! Love the Eskimo Pie sign...good thing you still had room in the truck! See you again soon *elaine*

  9. There's nothing like going on a trip and just stopping at every flea market/antique/junk store you see! We're going out of town to a friend's house this week! She's found a few new spots like this that she says I'll love because they look a little junky! lol!

    I kind of liked the farmer's no trespassing sign! I can just imagine the ole fella!

    Have a great evening!

  10. Looks like you had a spectacular time! Nothing like a good junkin trip. We are busy preparing for our big show this weekend. It is our first annual show so we are a bit nervous, but we have tons of great vendors, many of them were vendors at the Farm Chicks show last weekend so we know we'll do just fabulous! We'll keep you posted on how it goes....

    Linda & Dixie
    The Funky Junk Sisters

  11. Ki,
    Love the Eskimo Pie Sign. Classic!
    Hugs, Donna

  12. Yup. The signs rocks. I'm enjoying your road trip. Still hating I didn't get to meet you in Texas. But, you met some of my gal pals! Can't wait to see your take on Canton. ~Mindy

  13. Ki -
    Just read my blog. Can't believe you were also wanting the turq colored box!!! I spotted it as soon as we drove in and i snatched it up right away!

    Also ate at Toot Toot's -- how funny!!

    Jim's is a place that I will defintely return to. It is not a bad drive for me (about 2.5 hrs), so I may have to make a few more trips before Bonanza. Also stopped in Cameron 0 can't remember the name of the place, but it also had tons of junk!

  14. I studied the contents of your pictures for a long time. I can't believe all of the wonderful things you came across.
    I would love to buy that drive-in and turn it into a flea market/drive-in.

  15. Shared some fun with your friend Jane this last weekend in Spokane at the Farm Chicks - lots of dealers that should come to MN for the Junk Bonanza! Also me lots of bloggers and encouraged them to come to the Midwest! Will be posting about Junk Bonanza on my blog soon....Jill

  16. I just found your blog and added it to my favs. I wanted to let you know I have a GIVE AWAY that ends to day.


  17. Love all that stuff you found! I especially covet that thread rack! That is gorgeous! Karen

  18. Hey,, You were in my neck of the woods,,in Mississippi, My daughters and I love to go to Trash & Treasure. I've found some really good deals there. It was so neat to see it highlighted on your blog.

  19. phew! what adventures you have!
    your pics of the drive-in theatre really brought back memories ... i was always afraid that those heavy speakers would break the window!
    thanks ki ~

  20. Ki,

    Your pictures and tales of your trip cheered me up today. I've been hard pressed to do any junking, garage sales or auctioning lately and it's been getting me down. Hearing about your little jaunts remind me that some day maybe a few years down the road, I'll be able to do such a fun trip. Thanks so much for posting!

  21. I am having such a BLOGmance with your cool trip posts.

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