Friday, June 12, 2009

Road Trip. Canton Texas.

First Monday Trade Days in Canton Texas happens once a month, well sort of. It can be kind of confusing cause it doesn't actually happen on a Monday as its name states. Just think of it this way. Canton Trade Days is open Thursday through Sunday before the first Monday of every month. Get it?

The town of Canton, (population 5,124) grows to become the 7th largest city in Texas every month during the event, averaging over 300,000 visitors. First Monday Trades Days is the oldest and largest flea market in the world!

If you have been following my blog, you know that my trip from Ocala Florida to Minnesota included a Texas detour to visit my good friend, Margo, and do a little junking in Canton.

My husband Kerry was a trooper to hang in there with us the entire day. He doesn't consider himself a junker, however enjoys visiting with the friendly vendors and shoppers.

The guy with the camera is Allen Arrick. Yep, Margo's son. Allen, photographer extraordinaire, was shooting his first, flea market assignment. Discussing junk and light at The Porch where I met Renee and Becky.

Unfortunately, I didn't get photos of all the wonderful folks we met that day so I apologize for not mentioning everyone.

Maggie from the Veranda was incredibly kind to throw a little get together for fellow bloggers and junkers, many of whom I have followed online.

Margo, Susie, & me . Susie and I have chatted for years over the phone about her wonderful product, Vintage Textile Soak. First time we actually hugged.

Teresa Garden Antiques, Nancy Ella Elaine, Eilean, Donna Curious Goods, Margo Robolady, and me.

I have heard so much about Judy Hill and her amazing sale, I was excited to finally meet her. Judy, Gloria Sweet Pea ,Margo, Maggie The Veranda, me, & Joy. (Joy makes the most fabulous oyster shell mirrors.)

Looks like Minnesota junk to me!

I made her do it! She will totally hate me for posting...Sorry Margo.

Terri with Unique Antiques was a refreshing breeze of energy in the sultry mid afternoon. I love vintage linens.

I hate to iron.

Margo's friend and fellow vendor, Donna, swears by Vintage Textile Soak.

Hanging out in the shade Sky, Susan, Eilean , me, Margo, & Nancy.

Too heavy to haul home, but tempting.

Too big to haul home, but tempting.

Too dirty to haul home, but tempting.

Too silly to haul home, tempting? The Cotton Patch girls!

Have always wanted to remodel and add a sink in the hallway.

Absolutely too heavy to haul home.

I was thinking Junk Bonanza. Ideas for repurposing, anyone?

Cool ship's throttle.

I own a red Burma Shave sign and it's on display in my family room. I was naturally attracted to this booth filled with carnival items. It turned out Garland, aka Dad, was helping out his daughter, Mandie Murphree, by selling some of her cool carnival stash in his booth. Check out The Shop Antiques. According to her dad, Mandie has quite the inventory!

We got to eat a funnel cake for breakfast...a little greasy, but yummy!

Just outside the Porch I found this treasure wanting to go home with me. Did I mention my truck was full before I got to Texas? It was like being on a junk diet. I was starving and I couldn't satisfy my appetite!

According to Donna Bookout, she is a collector and lover of all things that jingle or glitter! Donna has been a vendor at Canton since 1970. She said when the booth rent was raised from $3. to $5. she had 2nd thoughts about continuing. She credits her staying power to her wonderful family, customers, and fellow vendors that have supported her over the years. Love you Donna.

Who is this person and where is she now?

Say cheese...again. Margo, Lilly Junk Palace. Donna Curious Goods, me, & Rhonda. (The milk glass vase and cool cash register number 4 at the beginning of this post belongs to Lilly.)

My dad is a Shriner. I own a fez or two.

Love Donna's junk jewels and wild creations! (I get you, Donna.)

At the end of the day when we thought we couldn't take one more step, Linda Hatfield, City of Canton operations supervisor, picked us up in her official looking golf cart and took us on a delightful tour of the grounds! She answered all of my questions about Canton including "Why doesn't First Monday Trade Days take place on Monday?"

More Texas junkin' stories and pics to come. We visited some of Margo's favorite junk hot spots the very next day. Never too tired to junk!


  1. Oh, how fun! I grew up in East Texas and went to Canton quite frequently with my mother. I live in Austin now and I haven't made the trip in many, many years. Sounds like I need to convince to take a road trip! Looks like things are very different now than how they were back in the 80s!

    Thanks for this fun post!

  2. I looks like as much fun as Brimfield is!! Maybe there is a roadtrip to Texas in my future.

  3. What a fun time - I'm going to have to suggest a road trip via Canton to my hubby - he's a great junker too!!!

    The portrait of the young girl looks just like a friend's daughter, even down to the way she sits and holds her hands.


  4. Thank you so much for sharing your road trip adventures! I have really enjoyed reading and looking at the pictures. I live in Alabama, and we are planning on taking a trip to Texas this summer to look for vintage boots and junk items, now I know exactly where I am going!!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. I loved this makes me want to go junking instead of write a paper today!

    What in the world is the thing in that last picture?

  6. I enjoyed all of your photos. That was an extra special day of junking for me. It was great meeting you and Kerry. I thought it was funny you were confused about Canton not being on a Monday. The first time my husband and I went to First Monday Canton, back in the early 1980's, we actually went on a Sunday afternoon and we had planned to stay that night and shop the next day. Well, we were quite surprised to see all the vendors packing up there stuff! Live and learn as my mother use to say...

  7. oh dear ... i am drooling ... it is wonderful that you got to actually meet and hug Susie ... lovely linens ... i wish i had a semi to go and get all the iron works, ballusters and 'needing a bath' mannequins that were too heavy to haul ... oh ... and that front grill of the old international ... the little girl painting ought to be a in a movie!
    too much fun ... thanks always for sharing your trips so we feel like we've been on an adventure with you!

  8. looks like fabulous junking....

  9. Loved having all of you at The Veranda for our meet-n-greet party. Let's do it again soon! Remember -- Canton comes every month. Plan another trip soon... Maggie

  10. What a fun and hot shopping day in Canton. So glad I got to meet you!

  11. Super fun post, Ki! Canton is so fun! I look forward to seeing what goodies will appear at Junk Bonanza!


  12. I SO want to go to Canton! Looks like a wonderful trip you had there! Saw a lot of things I would have LOVED to haul home! ~~Annie

  13. One of these days..... I have always wanted to go but it has never worked out in our plans. I can always dream through your pictures and blog! Thank you.

  14. Fab junk and yet another leg of your trip. This has been a fun ride. I am having a major BLOGmance with this trip.

  15. It all looks completely amazing! WOW so much to see!!! Enjoyed your pictures and can't wait to see more,

  16. Way too much fun...lots of ideas flowing through my head. Glad you had fun with hubby in tow :)
    One day I will do a junking tour as well...for now baby steps :)
    Take care

  17. Ki,
    It was a pleasure to meet you and your sweet husband in Canton. I am glad that you "get" my work, I have loved your work for some time now. When you get ready to come to Texas again, we will have to set you up for a day in Malakoff to meet all of the shop owners and do some great junkkin! Hugs, Donna and Rhonda

  18. What a great trip! Love the old carnival fun!

  19. Oooh, fun junk!
    BTW, I have a new email address:


  20. Hi Ki - loved this post on Canton Texas!!

    It was such a nice surprise to see your comment on my blog the other day!! I am a newbie to the junking world . . . and it meant more to me than you will ever know!! I very much admire what you are doing - you are such an inspiration!!

    I also enjoyed meeting your friend Jane at the Farm Chicks show - her enthusiasm is absolutely addictive!!

    I hope our paths will cross sometime soon!!
    Peace to you as well,

  21. We may not live in Texas...but we can do it up BIG too! Great to show us your finds and friends. Stop by Barntiques and see our fun!

  22. Ki,

    Thanks for stopping by my Blog! I'm honored! Your blog is awesome and I love your humor-the urinal, LOL, and the Cow/oxen (whatever they are,,,Hey, I live in Washington State!

    Coming further West anytime soon and you'd best come to "Historic" Snohomish!! Check out the store that I work at, I think You'd love it! ( )
    Jana posts almost daily and we ARE a destination store..
    Where, incidentally, as well as working with a bunch or AWESOME women, I sell my crowns, mixed media cake toppers and boxes....stop "by" the store! 30 years and counting,,,,,

    Thanks again,

  23. love it all... especially the potential for the sink. hmmmm...

  24. Hola, soy Adriana desde Cordoba Argentina, tu blog, las fotos me resulto sumamente inspirador.
    Comparto absolutamente el amor por lo viejo y el reciclado,a partir de hoy voy a visitarte seguido


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