Friday, July 24, 2009

The Farm Chicks are heading to the Junk Bonanza!

Recognize these gals? Yep, they are Serena & Teri, The Farm Chicks! I got a call yesterday from Serena confirming they are coming to the Junk Bonanza on September 17th in Shakopee Minnesota! They have graciously offered to sign their newest book, The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen, and join in the fun at our Happy Trails Meet and Greet Blog Party! Details to be announced next week.

Wait till you hear who else is showing up at the party! I can't wait to share more news!


  1. Oh how I wish I could go to Junk Bonanza this year. Last year was so fun, this year even better...I'll have to live through everyone's blogs. :)

  2. Ohh I wish I could be there! I have gone to the Farm Chick Show 2 years in a row now-hoping to make it every year.
    Also, I miss my magazines! I will be looking forward to getting yours.

  3. Hi Ki,
    I am so excited to come & sell at the Bonanza! It is going to be a good time! I told Cammie, if I can help with anything to let me know. I loved your blog piece about Cammie. She a great gal. I told her I think she has an internal honing devise for "Junk"!!
    Can't wait to meet you again,

  4. Ki, I SO wishi I could be there...I am going back and forth about it since we don't really know when my hubby is set to deploy...might tempting though and I am SURE well worth the 12 hour travel, eh? LOL! Pray all is well with you and I saw on Margo's site that there's a new mag in the making? Yes! I am so excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  5. Looking forward to selling at Junk Bonanza and especially the Meet and Greet. How cool about the magazine. I have missed them this summer.

    aka: Deer Creek Junk

  6. Now it's time to get rocking, get all your pretties in a row....
    start packin'
    Have a great time....

  7. Sounds like it's gonna be a great show again this year! Can't wait to see what else is in store!


  8. Hey Ki,
    Just got the email on the up and coming events of the Bonanza! Can't wait... and only 50 days... oh, my, need to get crackin'!
    The potato sack really looks cute!
    See ya soon,
    The Whistle Stop

  9. Can't wait to hear more... better start following your blog!

  10. Oh how fun.

    I am starting a NEW Mr. Linky party. It will begin on Aug 10th so everyone will have a week and a half to think about their first post. I have a poll up for votes on which button should be the new button. The "party" is called The Knock Off Knock Out-where THRIFTY meets creative sensation. Go over and learn more about the new weekly event and I would appreciate if you would cast your vote and HELP pick the new button design and its the last week for the July GIVE-A-Way, if you would like to be a part of that event..


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