Monday, September 14, 2009

It is going to be one heck of a Junk Bonanza! I was at Canterbury Park today. I stood in the center of the deserted tent and took a deep breath. In less than 48 hours the tent and buildings will be overflowing with the best antiques, architectural salvage, vintage items and good old junk you have ever seen in one venue!

We are sold out to vendors and continue to receive emails and calls for space. Press has been incredible and we anticipate big crowds! I have been fortunate to have the absolute best team to work with on the Bonanza and couldn't have done it without them.

I am tired, nervous, and a bit overwhelmed! I can't wait to greet folks in line as we open the gates at 8AM Thursday Sept 17 for Junk Bonanza 2009 Early Birds

Don't forget to stop by our blog party on Thursday at 1PM. I am excited to add former editor-in-chief of Country Living Nancy Soriano and editor-in-chief of Where Women Create Jo Packham to our guest list! Can't wait to tell you all about it next week!
Wish me luck!


  1. Ki,
    What I wouldn't give to be there!!
    I am hoping beyond hope that next year will be my year to come. I wish you the best Bonanza yet and can't wait to see pics.....LOTS and LOTS of pics!!
    Best wishes,

  2. How exciting! I can't wait to see more pictures. Love the before-- empty, anticipating--picture.

  3. All the best lady... I am excited for you!

  4. Ki -

    The Junk Bonanza is going to be a VINTAGE WONDERLAND!!! It is going to be an absolutely amazing show!!

    You and the Bonanza Team have worked hard to take this show to this level . . . Enjoy every minute of it!!

    All the best!!

  5. Oh my goodness, the anticipation is killing me! I can't wait to see pictures and hear stories! I wish I was going to see the finished product all for myself... cross my fingers for next year! Good luck...I just know it is going to be fabulous!

  6. Ki! Wondered where you been!! Working yourself to a frazzle...and it will all be wirth it. Hope the JB is a massive, humongous, fabulous weekend! With you in spirit. *elaine*

  7. Whoops...I really do know how to spell "worth"...why don't I ever catch those pesky typos BEFORE??? *e*

  8. This will be my 1st Junk Market and I can't wait till Thursday.
    Just maybe we will see you.
    Deb :)

  9. That big empty space means there will be lots of cool chippy, crusty, rusty, dusty pieces filling it up soon... BRING IT.... the pics that is, waiting with lots and lots of anticipation! Hugs, Janna

  10. It's great to see the before picture....since tomorrow morning at 8am, I'll get to see the after picture. I'm excited!

  11. I was at the jb on Thurs, in the huge swarm of people! kudos to you and your press team, everywhere I turned this week I saw an adfor jb!!! the dealers must be thrilled with the huge turn out! great job!!!

  12. Ki, I know it's fabulous! Can't believe I'm missing it this year. I'll be in Minnesota next week though... Hugs, Erin

  13. You really do have the BEST team, and they are oh so nice too. I enjoyed meeting all your friends and family. That tent WAS full of wonderful stuff, some is coming home with me.
    Thanks for doing the Bonanza, I'll be back every year as long as you have it.


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