Monday, September 21, 2009

Taking a little break!

Wow! Last week's Junk Bonanza was grand! It was a whirlwind of events including set-up, out-of-town guests, TV appearances, magazine meetings, parties, the actual event, tear down, and now closing details! Whew!

I can't wait to share everything with you. I am just too pooped to do it today...I need a nap!


  1. It'll be fun to hear about...after you get some R&R. Your photo today just made me smile. We had chairs exactly like this when I was a kid!

  2. We had a wonderful time at the Bonanza! Everything was run so should be sooo proud of yourself and all of your staff. Thanks for the opportunity! Brenda

  3. Looking forward to hearing all about it!

  4. Can't wait to hear about it!! Wish I could made it down there-Krista

  5. It was more fantastic in person than I ever ever imagined...thanks for having us. We had awesome sales and sooo much fun. So many peeps from Iowa too....:)

  6. I'm going to make plans to attend next year's for sure!
    Can't wait to hear all about this year's however.

  7. Thank you thank you thank you to you and your awesome team. It was my first year and I was blown away! Great meeting you at the blog party and being with "my people".
    Happy junking-

  8. Looking forward to hearing all about that whirlwind!! Take a nice relaxing break, you deserve it !!

  9. Hi Ki-
    Thanks so much for including me in your fabulous venue last week. I truly was blessed to be part of it and what a privilege it was. Enjoyed the interaction with the people most, the sales were good too, but reconnected with some old friends through the article and link to your event, was truly a hi-lite for me. Enjoyed visiting here and there with you as well and want you to know that in spite of any negatives that may have come your way, it was an all around grand time. Keep your head up girl, it truly is a wonderful event you provide for the Midwest vendors, shoppers and all.
    Need to talk to you about my vendor area for next year too.

  10. And you deserve it too,
    Great show Ki,
    Pat yourself on the back.

  11. Glad to hear it all went so well...sure wish I lived closer and could attend. Maybe one day.
    Happy day!

  12. Ki,
    You deserve a good long rest! I was exhausted and I know my work for the Bonanza was not on the scale of yours! We had a great time! It was good to see again and am glad the potato sacks worked out so well. I loved all the goodies in it too! If you get a chance, in your spare time, will you have a picture taken of you with the JB branding iron! I wanted to do that when we were there, but all of us were always busy!!!
    Thanks for the great show! I'm looking forward to it again next year!
    The Whistle Stop

  13. Ki, thanks again for another great show. This was my third and I will be back next year. It keeps getting better and better and better! The location this year was perfect, too! Not that we had any rain this year to dampen it, but it seems to have worked out great (even though we had a "hot" September-go figure)! It was sure fun to meet so many people, too. I finally got to connect with Margo, and meeting Linda was icing on the cake! I'm gonna get some R&R, too. After a busy week, I guess we all deserve it! Take care!

  14. Looks like a great sale! Can't wait to see pictures and hear the details! Way to go, KI!

  15. Ki, Looks like ya'll had a wonderful junk bonanza! I'm a friend of Margo's, and I'm so anxious to see all your JUNKIe posts & pics!


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