Saturday, October 10, 2009

Junk Bonanza. The Junk.

Junk Bonanza exhibitors have the best junk! Every year I am blown away by their incredible collections, amazing assortments, spectacular display, and down-to-earth prices. This year was no exception.

I have a million photos and can't post them all, but will put together a slide show for the Junk Bonanza site when I have more time to sit at the computer. (Based on my schedule these days, not sure when that will be...) Be sure to check out all the great Bonanza photos and stories on the blogs listed in my sidebar.

Here is just a peak at some of the coolest junk from Junk Bonanza 2009!

Anything zinc, galvanized or industrial was hot!!!

Inspiration thing-a-ma-jigs from silverware.

Love the 5 lb weights.

Multiples in every booth..having a large group over for dinner?

Exhibitors know how to welcome fall.

Did I say multiples in every booth?

Bright and funky.

Sparkly and beautiful.

Happy customer.

Did I mention multiples in every booth?

This year's Bonanza included artisans who recycle and recreate wonderful objects.

Happy customer.

The shopping cart and liner was purchased in my Junk Revolution store at the Bonanza. We will be selling the cart liners, made from recycled coffee bags and trimmed with vintage fabrics, in our online store mid October!

If you are drooling...don't apologize. It happens to the best of us!

Be sure to check out Junk Revolution's Good Junk Seal of Approval Winner, Alli of birddog press! Gotta go work on a few projects for our new magazine, Flea Market Style....first round of stories went to the publisher yesterday....Yikes, I'd better get rockin'!

Oh, and be sure to mark your calendars for Junk Bonanza 2010 Sept. 16-18!


  1. What a great selection of goodies. So sorry I missed the show. I'm excitedly waiting for the new magazine. I know it's going to be something great!

  2. I will never live long enough to finish all of the junkin' projects that I have in my head!! LOL!

  3. I am drooling big time!!! That is some serious JUNK. Loving it all! Janna

  4. So glad you understand about the drooling part. It was getting kind of embarrassing. ;)

    I have to say, after viewing your photos, I think your vendors' displays are unparalleled. One day I will make your Bonanza!

  5. HI!! I'm drooling on my keyboard! 'Nuff said?? great pics...happy Sunday *elaine*

  6. Love Love your blog! Oh what glorious junk you have!!! Keep it coming!

  7. Love all the pics, I am drooling over it all, always love looking at fabulous JUNK! Janna

  8. Yaaaay! I love your site!! You need to come to the Funky Junk Sisters show here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest! Thanks for the inspiration...
    Happy Autumn ;o)

  9. Wow... how Cool is all that Galvanise Goodies!
    What a place to be to SHOP!!

  10. Very cool things! I love the zinc pots! Industrial is way hip!! I am exited for the magazine to come out!! Good luck and if you are ever in Concord Massachusetts come check out Thoreauly Antiques, Concord is filled with cool antique shops that you would die for!! Happy hunting!



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