Sunday, August 22, 2010

Junker's Willpower

I have to say, I have improved my willpower over the years. I automatically ask myself the mandatory six questions before moving ahead on a junk purchase. Do I need it? Do I have room to keep it? Do I have time to refurbish it? Can I afford it? Will I ever find another one? And most important...Will I regret not buying it?

Big Red Game Wheel. Thirty-six inch diameter, four feet tall on a base, double working wheels that make the coolest clicking sound when spinning, pristine condition. You may know, I am a sucker for game wheels and this is definitely the 'Granddaddy of Wheels'! My heart literally skipped a beat when I eyed it in the corner of an antique warehouse on a junking trip to Nebraska a few weeks ago!

Willpower out the window! It will be at Junk Bonanza. I feel a little sick to my stomach just thinking about putting a price tag on it. Do I need it? Do I have room.... I know I am not the only junker that struggles with willpower issues!


  1. Oh will power left me years ago! Then I married my's slowly creeping back in!

    Nice piece...I would have snatched it up!

  2. that ki is t.o.t.a.l.l.y awesome!
    i too love vintage game pieces and you found yourself a ginormous one!

    judi ;)

  3. great find Ki!! It is great! I can't wait for Junk Bonanza!! will be there Saturday!


  4. Oh Ki I CAN'T wait to see it....It's STUNNING....I would SURELY buy it if I could get it back here.... ** sigh **

    NOT LONG NOW....!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  5. That would definitely be hard to pass up! ~Sheilla

  6. Yeah, well my will power slipped yesterday and I bought a Sellers kitchen cabinet at an auction. I love those pieces. At first I thought I'd sell it but decided I did have room for it (after I bought it) and now it will be more storage for me in my basement. A friend of mine was at the auction and her weakness is jewelry. I told her I wished mine was that small but no...I have to love big iron and rusty pieces along with big furniture! I am glad you picked up the game wheel, it's wonderful!

  7. Wow! That is a fabulous find!!! I love it! I would keep it!

  8. AH! Its wonderful, then I read you got it in Nebraska and I thought....I NEED TO GO where ever you got it I NEED TO GO!

  9. We saw this at the Gold Rush Days! The fiance and I were trying to justify buying it... "Think of all the drinking games we could make out of it!" (He desperately wanted it as garage art.) :) Boys...

    It was fun meeting you! Thanks for indulging me and letting me snap a quick pic with you! We'll be at Junk Bonanza in September. Can't wait!

  10. Not at all.... I am constantly struggling with my will. I decided not to buy, or find anything until the Junk Bonanza... so I am recycling my will into making stuff... and boy am I having fun! See you in Minn!


  11. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that big red sucker!! You lucky junker! Janna

  12. Not only is this game wheel tippity top, but your check list of questions is terrific. Maybe the key one for me is do I have time to refurbish it - do I need another stinkin' project?! I've learned the hard way how important that question is. But your game wheel would be worth every drop of effort. Congrats on such a score!

  13. I am completely with you on this one . . . LOVE everything about it!!! - liz

  14. I would have done exactly the same thing! Ask the all important 6 questions and buy buy buy that wonderful RED Wheel! Great find!

  15. Hilarious! Amazing many of my finds find their way home to my home!=)

  16. What a find! My biggest worry starts to be that we don't have that much room anymore... have to find a bigger apartment for our treasures...

  17. awww, i never find realllllly reallllly cool stuff like that!! it's a keeper!

  18. lovelovelove the Wheel.

    I've said it have the best eye and the best luck!!

    See you soon. L

  19. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  20. Ok, that wheel is simply perfect, I'd have struggled with it too. Can't wait to see it in person, 14 days Woo Hoo. I love your "questions" I need to print that out and keep it in my junking wallet. Yep I have a wallet just for buying junk. keeps the money separate don't ya know.

  21. Wonderful! I don't think I could put a price tag on it! Great find!

  22. You found that in Nebraska...I'm in Nebraska and have never found such great "junk" must have a good "junk" that gamw wheel!

  23. That is so one of a kind, can't wait to see it in person!

  24. I wish I was attending Junk Bonanza because I have spent my life on the NJ shore. That piece reminds me so much of the boardwalk!


  25. Talk about willpower...regarding your Big Red Game Wheel. I absolutely LOVE it. What a find. I found a Game Wheel with silver inlaid horses that I had to have. It is my favorite possession hanging proudly over my couch. I could never put a price on it. Love your interesting & informative....just my speed

  26. Hilarious post! I just love it. Finding a bit of myself in your post... my problem is I do love it all.. just don't have enough space to put it anywhere!


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