Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Face What?

I consider myself a junk expert. If I am feeling really smug, I refer to myself as a junk celebrity. When folks ask what I do for a living, I reply without hesitation "I preach the gospel of junk!" I suppose that would make me a junk chaplain. Well anyway, you get the idea...I know my junk.

With that said, I am clueless on the Internet! My 20 something daughter and son have encouraged me to start a Facebook page. I mistakenly signed up for FB (that's what all the accomplished users call it) a few months back without knowing it. Folks wanted to be my friend and I was confused. I didn't answer back and I'm sure they thought I was stuck up.

I have challenged myself to overcome my online insecurities and just do it! (thanks Nike) If I can I start a blog, learn how to post photos, and do the sidebar thingy...I can figure this out, as well.

Not sure what I will write about, but I'm sure it will be interesting to watch me get the hang of it. Please be my friend...I am not stuck up, really. Just search Ki Nassauer on Facebook and become a fan of the Junk Revolution page. We will be doing some fun stuff!


  1. facebook is a great way to publicize your blog too. you will get the hang of it. I will definitely send a friend request.

  2. Ki,

    Sounds like me too. I too have been internet illeterate but am starting to get into all this computer stuff. I am self taught, so I just keep plugging away. Live and learn!

  3. Just signed up for Facebook yesterday! Sent you a friend request already ~ love your blog.
    Take care,
    ~ Rebecca

  4. HeHe - glad you asked me to be your friend. FB is pretty fun and people I have not seen in YEARS have crawled out of the woodwork!

  5. I hear it's addictive so I've stayed away from facebook so far--I'm hooked on blogs. How about twitter? I signed up for that a couple weeks ago. I'll follow if you begin to twitter too!

  6. Let's learn together, I'm new to blogging too. Tell me what you know and I'll tell you what I know! Come visit at http://grannymountain.blogspot.com
    Joy C.

  7. Ki, this internet thing is really easy to catch on to. The only problem is that it is addictive! It's almost 1:00 am and what am I doing???? But it is a great networking tool and I love it. Great for spreading the word (or the gospel) of junk! You really do need to start to Twitter (tweet, tweet).


  8. I went to a market today and my stall was next to another 20 something who spent the morning encouraging me to set up a facebook page. She regaled me with the benefits and has convinced me to give it a go. Might need to wait untilafter the upcoming show. The info sharing wasn't all one way. She's left with goal of starting a blog.


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